High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Same can be said for all the new Blood Elf cards. I guess Blood Elves aren’t enough to showcase in a horde themed adventure. Ouch!


Hmm yes… a nightbourne hunter could be very appealing as well…

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Worgen should retain their worgen eyes when switching to human form


They could do something to sterilize all the other races but then the Elves can still outlive them. Elves don’t need to be numerous when they have long lifespans


That destiny is very much Tolkienesque


This is actually one of the things I wanted when they where added.

But they had to do a crummy remodel with open-mouth gator-teeth before running out of development time…

We where never told no, the arguments against have been thoroughly countered, and Blood Elves are not the generic Elf Fantasy they are the Edgy Dystopian one.

Vereesa has more story and characterization then any living Blood Elf character.

If this lone character out of High Elves is not important then what does that make the Blood Elf characters?


What I find most interesting is that the Nightborne are really what people have been asking for with High Elves, just done with Night Elves.

Think of it this way. When asking for High Elves to make them different, people have asked for them to have different hairstyles, tattoos, a unique posture and possibly a class or two that makes them different from Blood Elves. Nightborne have the following.

Different Hair Styles
A Unique posture
A Unique class from Night Elves (Warlocks).

People asking for High Elves are looking for the following

Different Hair Styles
A Unique posture (possibly using the Night Elf Rigging)
A Unique class (Druid or Shaman).

As for the “Not Enough of them” argument, well thanks to the Void Elves it holds significantly less weight than it did prior to their introduction.

The Void Elves were originally described as a “crack squad”, which really ended up being a bunch of scholar types delving in magics beyond their understanding. But that’s also the thing. There was just a handful of them. A group of banished researchers. Idk where the Riftblades and the such came from, as there was no signs of security or military in the Rift when we got there and saved them. Mages were really the only ones present at the time of the change.

And as for the change as far as we know, there is no way to recreate it. It’s not even clear if Void Elves are even biologically capable of standard reproduction. From what we have been given, there is a very, very finite number of them on a rapidly declining timer (as they are actively attempting to not go insane).

You know what we have seen? High Elves, in the form of the Silver Covenant, fielding troops in multiple instances, from Wrath, to Cata, to MoP to Legion. Apparently there are enough of them to fight wars on behalf of the Alliance regularly.


I could always use a nice sentence but this one is gold, let me translate it into Chinese for you:

Well, I don’t really know why I did it but… lol.


I’d love if there was a link for that, because it’s a point that gets overlooked by both sides and usually ends up a meaningless point of contention for a few consecutive comments.

Blood elves are not high elves, but they are the same race; i.e. Thalassian elves.


It’s not a lore thing, it’s just a term of convenience to differentiate all three elf sub-groups from Quel’thalas from other elven lineages.

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not since the sunwell was restored.

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We literally have a group of exiled Blood Elves, aka, the Void Elves showing that it’s still Dystopian and that there is civil unrest.

They are still using Fel Magic and are now using tons of Blood Magic.

The Sunwell just fixed one thing.


[citation needed]

kicking out a small faction using dangerous magics that are a threat to their entire species is proof they are dystopian and there is civil unrest?

the high elves would have done the exact same thing



Also given the lines that they want to liberate Silvermoon.


who isn’t dystopian then?

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Damn. Don’t log in for a day or two and have 900+ posts to catch up on. /grabs coffee

For my part, I’ve race changed back to a human. Void Elves play such a small part in the current story and their intro provided no sound lore to latch my character’s story on to. Being a Void Elf just felt out of place.

I hate the skin tones, hate the way they mog (so few colors go with their model), and other than an Aflock, rogue, or shadow priest they just seem out of character for their models.

Human till I can play the actual elf I wanna play.


For the Horde is a lot better than, For the alliance.
Come to the red side, we have strawberries.

That option is available to you. Unless you pick faction before race. If you want to play the dwarf fantasy the alliance is waiting for you. If you want to play the werewolf fantasy the alliance is waiting for you. If you want to play the light skinned elf fantasy the horde is waiting for you. If you want to play something similar to a high elf but with a different flavor void elves are waiting for you. This position is backed by the devs

“Blood Elves are basically High Elves. Slightly different eye color and backstory, but if you want to be a light skinned elf, that is basically a Blood Elf. Giving that to the Alliance would blur the line between factions.”

sir ion hazzikostas, game director world of warcraft april 26, 2018

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If I want the purple-skinned elf fantasy, what faction is waiting for me? :thinking: