High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

the high elves of the alliance are a fragment of the past clinging to an adjective. even in the unlikely event they were made playable, their lore trajectory is set

they do not have the numbers to create an individual civilization, nor do they have the inclination to do so as they intermingle with humanity. their destiny longterm is to fade away amongst the civilizations hosting them or join with the void elves. of course, i dont see the void elves having a long term future either…

the future of the thalassian people lies with the one group with the numbers, the territory and the resources to actually forge one, the blood elves

here, in this thead, the pro high elf community ignore that when the high elves were glorious it was because they had a kingdom and a land of their own. a kingdom and a land that still exist and is actually returning to that glory as a loyal and playable part of the horde

the issues that caused the high elves to remain with the alliance are completely irrelevant in the modern era of WoW. the sunwell is healed, all elves feed on the light without relying on the power of the fel for their city, and all the high elves have is a grudge

if you want to play normal toned high elves, they are available on the horde. if you want to play a high elf that is on the alliance, the void elves have you covered

if you want to play a thalassian elf on the alliance that not only looks almost identical to a blood elf but is thematically and physically identical too, then you are out of luck :woman_teacher:

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That’s nice.


You what is even nicer? Thinking about the possible story lines High Elves could explore on the Alliance side. I love thinking about how High Elves could explore the dynamic of what it means to take aspects of their previous culture and integrate themselves within cities like Dalaran or Stormwind. Elisande quote from the Nighthold about High Elves diluting their blood line and being peasants playing at nobility could have a wonderful positive connotation if that was explored in a different light. Nobility is not just defined by blood, but rather actions such as striving to rebuild in an foreign land while holding onto principals and spirit that gave the term High Elf it’s nobility in the first place. Those are just some of the stories I would love to see if we ever get the chance to see how High Elves are growing in Alliance cities and territory along with how they interact with the different races therein.


That’s not how it works.

Concidingering there are races with even fewer numbers already playable this is no longer a fact.

And Void Elves are going to last as long as WoW will if not longer.

Not really considering their “Numbers” are still shaky and declining do to constans civil unrest.

They are only 5-7 times higher than High Elves after all.

That has nothing to do with anything.

Quel’thalas could have been skewered by sargarass’s sword instead and it still would not have any effect on High Elves.

Silvermoon existing is a non factor. It is for Void Elves though considering they plan to take it back.

No they aren’t.

They Blood Elves are still the people that did those things. Having Velen fix their problems for them isn’t going to erase that.

We want to play the Alliance Loyal ones that have been part of the faction for 20 real life years.

They are High Elves, they would not look identical to Blood Elves.


For sure. That all makes sense. I’m just saying that throwing in their own slightly selfish reasons for helping out the Humans wouldn’t exactly be out of character for them.

Plus, Kael fled Dalaran in a huff before the Scourge attacked. So when he heard it fell during the war, he probably didn’t quite expect it to just be a pile of rubble with barely a single building left standing. Maybe he thought enough of the city - or its resources - had survived to help his people, and offered support in order to gain access to those resources, not being fully aware of just how completely Dalaran had been decimated.

Again, this is pure speculation, but it would more or less fit that somewhat self-serving nature of the Blood Elves historically. It’s only once they joined the Horde that they really started to learn about cooperating with other races as equals.


It’s happening with antis praising Half Elves and Void Elves here, but none of them seem remotely interested in both. It’s just that they treat them as High Elf compromises or High Elf substitutes.


I think Half Elves are a good concept.

the entire point of my opposition against playable alliance high elves is to preserve the integrity of my in game faction and ensure that blood elves are seen for what they are, the true high elves of the warcraft universe

there are no half elves in the horde. they are no threat to the integrity of the horde nor do they threaten the sanctity of the blood elves

if the pro high elf community wants to dedicate itself now to getting half elves, and half elves only, i would wish them luck in that endeavour :+1:

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Then you already lost when Kael made the declaration.

The fact is, they are a fractured people and no one group can claim the entirety of anything.

You could say the exact same thing about High Elves.

We will take both.


I own everything in the Thalassian Elf culture.

I’ll honestly say it’s weird to me that half-elves are the middle ground for a lot of people on both sides, since pretty much every concept I’ve seen thrown out about the has been for them to inherit the High Elf storyline in its entirety, except to add some human blood in there.

Like, if the concern with High Elves is about identity, aesthetics, narrative, themes and culture, then I’m not sure how changing ‘High’ to ‘Half’ fixes all of that, but apparently it seems to be enough for most people.

So I guess on that basis I support them, in that they’re pretty much identical to High Elves anyway so I don’t see the point, but I’ll take it.


Don’t they shrink the mounts? Anyway the problem is with their tails. If it’s a creature they can wrap their tail around it from the belly. But the mechanical mounts? Where are they supposed to put their tail at?


I am personally still hoping Vereesa’s HS card is a hint of something, anything really, but can’t see any connection to Void Elves at all from the HS portrayal, which is based all about the arcane.


it would blur the factions too much, ill show you. i just took these over a period of the last 10 mins for me in game



it would truly be world of elfcraft

i think you have to play horde in some capacity to realize how much damage playable alliance high elves would be to the faction wall

I did.

I used to be mostly bi factional but the game now requires too much micromanagement for each character for me to enjoy multiple alts fully.

Not to mention the Horde has become genocide simulator for several Xpacs now.

And no, High Elves are already Alliance and we already have Void Elves/Nightborne/Pandaren.

Once High Elves get the same touch ups every Allied Race got before becoming playable it will be more than fine.


Inside the animal tail socket…

They could just sit on it all coiled up.

Gnomes are doing the splits ontop of their mounts.


I play both factions, but Night Elves are still my favorite from Warcraft 3. Can’t really stand Darkshore’s Warfront.

But I gotta get that 400 gear, AmIRight?


It already is. 40% of the playerbase play Elves. They might as well play different looking Elves.


that would be void elves then

nah. If push came to shove they’d tell us to use the human model.

Show them what Half Elves look like in WoW and they start freaking out again.