High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

On the contrary, it fits it perfectly. Beastman in combat, normal form out of combat.


I think more people would associate it as Dragon Elves then anything to do with Worgen.

What are you saying, neckbones?

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I love your transmog

Me too. It only took me like 40 +2s.

The only armor issue I see are boots. The real problem is mounting. Which is why an elf would probably be essentially to playable naga


Just stick a boot on the tail.

I think they mentioned Nagas riding side saddle.

I mean my first thought is with Azshara dead we might get scaled down naga night elves.

I spose Nagas could fall under the Nelf AR Role across from High Elves falling under the Blood Elf AR role.

How would you side saddle the big mounts, like yak and mammoths?. Or better yet a dragon, wouldn’t the wings just clip through you?


My Back Holstered weapons clip thru my shoulderpads.

I don’t think they care about clipping.


I’m saddly aware


Large mounts use a different animation (normally the sit animation), so the naga could just coil its tail on top of them).


Ain’t happenin’ dog.


Pretty much.

What isn’t happening?

Some food for thought: do you think worgen/goblin models will be the first ones to get additional customization options, as a preview of what other races may get?

They said worgen would get an option to choose if your eyes glow or not, at least for females. I wonder how far Blizzard will go with their models.


I think it will be the equivalent of Orc posture.


I don’t see why they shouldn’t go ahead and add some new customizations for a race undergoing a remodel. The only possible issue is how much time and resources they would want to spend doing so but if they are already in the midst of doing an update it would be better to do it now then later.

Kinda wish Blizzard would take a poll on what custimization updates we would like to see for each race. I would kill to have some better beards for Humans.

That said if High Elves ever become a thing, I would rather have Blizzard take their time making an altered model and possibly even giving Blood Elves some new customization options to help differentiate both branches. I remember some one saying Blood Elves could have arcane styled rune tattoos while High Elves receive Celtic style war paint. Other items could include more gold regal jewelry for Blood Elves while High Elves get silver and more rustic stylized jewelry.


It’s not like it’s impossible. Have you ever seen Gnomes on mounts?