High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Ok Anti-Helfer.

What an abomination of a word tbh I can’t even say that sarcastically.


Believe what you want, it doesn’t change the facts.

One is a general term against or for an argument and the other is a rude nickname.

If anti is an insult the so is pro since they literally just mean for or against.


Anti can be used as an insult when spoken in a derogatory manner which is the problem with labeling people with such things.

It opens up those individuals to have their labels insulted and made fun of.

Now everyone knows Anti is just the opposite of Pro, but it’s the way you use the word that matters.

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This is a very good point. Even if a word is not an insult it can be used in a rude manner.


In actuality it’s just a bipartite division that implies one can only be one or the other.

What about people who want High Elves but don’t want them done in a certain manner? What about people who don’t want High Elves but would be open to them if they were done in a specific manner?

Would that make them pro-High Elf or anti-High Elf?


That would make them fickle ducks that need to make up their minds already!


This is a joke.

You can be Anti one way and Pro the other way.

For example I am Anti for turning all HE’s into VEs and replacing the Void Elf story with a modified High Elf story.


There you go buddy, I fixed that for you.

Not sure if you know this but your use of “duck” is hilariously poignant to this conversation as there’s a concept in CS called “duck typing” which implies that if two objects look and function the same way, then they are inherently the same thing.

Funny in a discussion about meaning and relations between entities.

Well to me at least.


Exactly, which means that putting you in a collective camp of Pro and Anti means nothing because they can have opinions that are deeper than that.


You’re not using this word right.

I have a classy duck line that would get me flagged if I were to post it, so that’s all I’m going to say in that regard.

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Hopefully if we keep threads like this alive and The DEVs see how passionate we are about The Alliance Quel’Dorei being playable for Alliance they will implement a fix for us. Keep The Struggle Alive!! :sunny:


You are correct. I meant poinant :stuck_out_tongue:


Actually nevermind. An alternate spelling is indeed poignant for “precise and to the point”

I knew I wasn’t crazy!


We can look back and see how it’s used. So your argument right there is pretty pointless.

Like I said, they literally mean for or against.

They only reason people are trying to pass them off as insults is to save face for having something pointed out.

As for me, I’m done with this silly argument lol We all know what these things mean.


What? Poignant means invoking a sense of sadness.

It can also mean “to the point” or “apt”.

Not often used in American contexts, but it’s more used in British ones. It explains why I know it as in Lebanon we learn both.

The number of times I switched between “o” and “ou” is funny.


I always thought it meant something to deal with a smell, oh wait that’s pungent.

English man… one hot mess of a French language.