High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

I somehow feel I am being trolled because I brought up the encyclopedia earlier and its relevance, and now it is being tossed at me.
You’re not Callistus’ alt right? I tease I tease.

It is stated in game, their addiction is deadly in many cases.
Not all would die, many would be left debilitated, but it did have physically and mentally harmful effects.
The encyclopedia doesn’t disagree with this statement.

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theyre quoting from gamepedia as well, the likey heavily edited article is also clearly phrased in a speculative manner

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It literally does. The death rate is mentioned to be really low.

This article is a copy of “The Warcraft Encyclopedia,” an official article by Blizzard Entertainment. It presented information about a variety of things in the Warcraft universe. The original article, formerly located at hxxp://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/encyclopedia/index.xml, did not survive the overhaul of the World of Warcraft Official Website.


And you had two ways of avoiding it: the high elf way of restrained exposure until you reached a cured state, like real world addictions, or the blood elf way of indulging the addiction.


"A few high elves have chosen to join the Alliance in recent years, but the Alliance as a whole remains somewhat suspicious of high elves to this day. The high elves’ secession from the Alliance during the Second War left bitter memories. Furthermore, the night elves, who became part of the Alliance during the Third War, saw it as their duty to warn their new allies against the high elves. The Highborne’s part in bringing about the War of the Ancients figured heavily in the night elves’ retelling of high elf history. "

i like this tidbit as well from the same section is this 100% true as well

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And then High and Night Elves were working alongside just fine in Tides of War. Vereesa even attended Tyrande and Malfurion’s wedding in Stormrage.


‘to this day’

Yeah, and that was written before those events. The lore advances. High and Night Elves seem to be fine with eachother nowadays.


these posts can be edited

also again.

it then goes on to SPECULATE. note the word “said” not “confirmed”

finishing with

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Ignore her, she has no understanding of time nor evolving canon.


truly ironic as the national agony over what to do with their addiction has been resolved with the restoration of the sunwell, the blood elves have gone back to their traditionalist high elf ways. the only thing separating a few from the rest of their kin at this post is a political opinion :+1:


high elves were draining their magic from arcane items. It was why they had the schism because blood elves were draining from items AND animals.
high elves only went for crystals/artifacts.

Yes, but it wasn’t just draining like the blood elves did to living things. They were treating it much like a drug, by restraining themselves to get used to a lower magic environment. That’s how some of them were able to get “cured” of the addiction.

Blood elves, on the other hand, indulged on their addiction by absorbing as much magic into their bodies as possible.


There’s even a night elf member of the Silver Covenant.

htt ps://wow.gamepedia.com/Moonbell


This is incorrect, because the blood elves who were indulging themselves in such a fashion ended up withered. This is again covered by the questline and dialogue which explains clearly htat blood elves had to restrain themselves just as much as high elves/

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Consider this from the encyclopedia:

“no high elves have decided to feed their hunger for arcane magic by draining that magic from alternative sources”

“certain magical artifacts also ameliorate the symptoms of withdrawal and might, if sufficiently powerful, be able to suppress them altogether.”

“a few high elves are said to have succeeded in taking this route through sheer willpower: they survived the process, however unpleasant”

The point is, high elves didn’t “drain” the power of artifacts like the blood elves did to living things. They didn’t extinguish the magic of the objects in order to feel better. Instead, they used the artifacts like medicine, by exposing themselves to the presence of magic in order to ameliorate the symptoms until their bodies got used to the lower magical environment.

No, the process was different for blood elves.

High elf method was like taking decreasingly amounts of magic until their bodies got used to the lower magical environment.

Blood elf method was to regularly take magic in order to keep themselves feeling good and powerful.

Wretched were those that overindulged (emphasis on “over”) until they completely lost control of their addiction.


they probably took anyone they could tbh

it is also said of the few high elves that still exist, that they value loyalty and friendship. they are also more nobler

Dalaran has always had some form of purple/purple pinkish magic.

Violet Eye and all that.

I think this is just a case of you looking for something that’s not there.


It was. It changed.

Now there are several groups of Alliance Loyal High Elves and the Night Elf/High Elf divide is mended.