High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

there has to be a citation or source for this? also where are they in BFA? the silver enclave was also taken over by the worgen. i dont think youd make such a bold claim if there wasnt in game evidence or a source

Quel’Danil has had more lore additions over the years and even a feature in the Manga.

Allerian Stronghold was added in BC.

Silver Covenant, nuff said.

Veressa has Night Elves that work under her and has been seen alongside Tryanda many times and was even a guest at her wedding.

The Night Elves allowed the Highborne to rejoin in Cataclysm. That being the main divide between High Elves and Night Elves.

Literally paying attention to the game shows this.


the few elves in that hut in the hinterlands?

there is no way there are high elves stationed here 12 years later. theres no reason and its just plain cruel. they would easily get overrun and cut off from any support if a larger force attacks

indeed. weve talked about the sc plenty havent we. however i still am unable to count 7 factions of alliance high elves here

It’s a fairly large settlement lorewise.

They chose to stay there.

Several doesn’t mean seven…


This is headcanon. Nothing states that they didn’t extinguish the magic of those objects. If anything, they did, which was part of the conflict in northrend. You cannot make such a suggestion because nothing of the like states it. All that is stated is they used magical items to satiate their addiction. Let alone in the novels, we see them draining magical crystals completely to satiate their addiction.

Headcanon, there is nothing suggesting anything of the sort. All that is known is what they drained and that some stayed cold turkey.

Even then, does any of this even matter? The sunwell is restored so its a wasted point of discussion.
Let alone you agreed with me on the wretched point so why bring it up?

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“no high elves have decided to feed their hunger for arcane magic by draining that magic from alternative sources”


All The Information you want on the Silver Covenant there are more then you think.
qhttps://wow.gamepedia.com/Silver_Covenant They are far from being Sin’dorei.


Sources=/=extent of which they drained it.
Let alone it was why there was a schism in the first place. If it were possible to drain magic from a creature without killing it, the high elves would not have been against it.

If draining magic didnt destroy the artifact, they would have simply drained from the same artifact repeatedly, but they had such an issue they were bargaining for magic crystals because they drain them dry with a mana tap.

Again, why are we discussing this?

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Hawkspear made it very clear he didn’t want to be a vampire.

It’s not even stated that the High Elves “drained” the objects. Only that their presence alleviated the symptoms.


They did, the lore was clear about it that they did not want to drain living creatures, which means they were fine with draining magical objects as shown in the novels and explained in game.

let alone again, this discussion is pointless becuse the sunwell was restored.
So why are we discussing something that is no longer a factor?

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Yes, that’s what the encyclopedia says.

Because that’s part of what caused the schism between blood and high elves, and the Sunwell may have been restored, but the schism still stands.


Then point your sources for them draining objects rather than just using their magic to feel better.


It is pretty easy to figure out.

  1. If just having a magic object around enough, then Kael’thas having three magical gems floating over his head would alleviate his symptoms. They didn’t, ergo, being around them is not enough.

  2. Rommath taught them to mana tap.= to alleviate their symptoms

So, no official source, only your headcanon.


You’re extrapolating rather than just taking what is literally being told to us.

The High Elves never learned mana tap.


a vampire implies feeding off the living

all thalassian elves were suffering withdrawal from being suddenly severed from the arcane energy they had been feeding off of from the sunwell their entire lives. if merely being in the presence of an imbued magical object could alleivate this withdrawal(albeit only temporairly) then why the heck wouldnt the bood elves do the exact same thing

it is heavily implied that being ‘in the presence’ of such objects means siphoning from them :smile:

also rommath taught them how to mana tap living things

also when are we moving on from TBC

Rommath taught them to mana tap.
It is stating you must drain magic from something to ease the symptoms in the starter area.

Seriously, you guys get on Fyre a lot but you come up with some nonsensical nonsense from nowhere. Suddenly high elves weren’t draining magic, even though that was precisely what they were taught by Rommath to alleviate symptoms.

Suddenly, just being around magic items was enough, even though there wer ehigh elves in northrend draining magical items.

If that was true, why would the blood elves and high elves even split to begin with? Why would kael’thas be so desperate to save his people if just being around magical items was enough?

Rommath taught them before the schism.

No, you are confusing the solution the blood elves came with as the only solution, but it wasn’t.

Suddenly? We are citing lore from 2007!
You are the one confusing things.

Blood elves fed their addiction, high elves learned to cope with it. That’s just the lore we always had, since the beginning. It was there even before WoW itself, in the damn RPG.

Because the blood elf way was the easier way. You absorbed lots of magic, and the pangs of addiction were gone for hours.

The high elf solution was slower and painful. High elves had to stay in the vicinity of magical objects and restrain their use of magic only to ameliorate, rather than suppress, the symptoms. They felt severely weakened until one could start to get used to the lack of powerful magic coursing through its body.

Blood elves refused such weakness, they wanted power, their ethos was to amass power by any means in order to survive. They had no time to practice restraint, so they sought a more powerful alternative.

High elves thought the alternative was not tolerable and refused it. They were exiled for spreading dissent.

That’s the schism in a nutshell.

And it’s been canon since 2007. Actually earlier than that. THe RPG was from 2003. The Encyclopedia came out in 2006.



Most High Elves chose the Alliance over Quel’Thalas before WCIII. They weren’t around for Silvermoon’s fall.

We don’t even know if Hawkspear and his group - the only known High Elves to have been Blood Elves that left because of Rommath - got around to learning it. And most of these died.


Unfortunately the rpg is not canon. Which is a shame, has it added so much cool lore