High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

No, because I find puns to be the lowest form of Humor.

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Stop lying.

Not feeding their addictions by feeding on living things.
They too sought out magical objects to feed their addiction.
Very few were able to stay cold turkey, but most had to feed. Veressa herself iirc, had to seek out magic since they were all so dependent.

Fantastic Arts!!



The way I see it, blood elves would absorb magic in copious amounts to stave off the pangs of addiction, while high elves would passively soak magic slowly over time to get used to their new magic-starved condition.

It’s like two drug-addicted junkies, but one just uses drugs to feel good, while the other is trying to stop by consuming less and less.

(The wretched are the equivalent to crack addicts)


On another note, guys, ignore Starlagosa and Fyrebusche. The thread was fine until 40 or so posts ago, then you started to bother replying to their baits.


pretty sure they can think for themselves and make their own decisions

i also dont just post to get responses. im very difficult to debunk after all. i also post for any newcomers or lurkers who just enjoy the pro vs anti discussion

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Nope, the only ones who weren’t suffering horrifically were the less magical type elves. Rangers and such, but the mages had to feed or they’d die of the pangs. hence the desperation.

You had me laughing hard at that one.


The initial sensation was dire for everyone, but one group practiced restraint in order to alleviate their craving, the other chose to feed the addiction rather than treat it. The parallel to real world addiction was pretty clear in how Blizzard handled the issue.


Look at the void elf on top of the forum page. It’s a very similar glow.

I know the card supposedly depicts arcane energy (which is usually depicted as light blue, silver or light purple), but it could easily be also Void, which is usually shown as dark blue, purple or violet.

Another thing is that Thori’dal has blue arcane glow in-game, but in the image it’s purple.

The point is: while the card qants us to think it’s arcane, her actual transformation in canon could be void-related, ending with almost the same appearance.


Not quite, because, because high elves were still feeding their addiction. It wasn’t the same as a drug addiction where if you go off it for awhile you are cured. The magic was a necessity because it was part of what fed them. Of course, over doing it turned them wretched, but very few could beat it. Those that could, generally were not magically inclined like the rangers.

If you were a mage though? GG

perfect example of pro high elf wishful thinking. whatever process is happening to the blood elves is also happening to the high elves, as both are one people divided by a political opinion and both feed on the sunwell

lets get one thing clear, because this seems to be the main fallacy in this debate

the pro high elf side is the one that is 100% opinion, that opinion being high elves should be playable for the alliance. just like the one above i quoted which has no source in game or out to back up

the anti high elf side is based on evidence. in game evidence, out of game evidence, dev comments, interviews with chris metzen and sir ion hazzikostas. you bring something up, the anti high elf side has a fact based, sourced response

this is why the majority of pro high elf discourse is based around trying to argue why what a developer says doesnt matter, or what is in game doesnt count

you have no sources or evidence of your own to rely upon

your side is 100% opinion. its not my problem that there is nothing that is firm, nothing fact based, that the pro high elf community can rely upon. \thats why whenever i reply to someone asking for evidence, i have gotten only evasion. you cant answer me with facts or sources because you have none

just an opinion


pure gold right here folks.


That’s not how it was depicted at all. The addiction led them to feel edgy, weak, unable to concentrate, but it wasn’t lethal.

Canon source at the time made it pretty clear how it worked, and it was pretty much like drug addiction. Chronicle also made it clear that blood elves ended up even more addicted once they started to feed via mana tap.


You are incorrect, it was made clear that without magic, the elves would begin to die. Yes some began mana tapping everything in sight, but the lore was clear that it was not only debilitating, but deadly for many.

WC3, and many of the quests involved do make mention of what can occur if that addiction was not fed in some capacity.

OVer use led to becoming wretched, so it was a careful balance between feeding the addiction and feeding so much that it destroyed them.


That’s the exact opposite of what the encyclopedia says.


It is stated by kael’thas and it was stated during the questline.


were alliance high elves to have remained cut off from the sunwell, youd know about it as it it is a death sentence for the high elves involved. they would then have to find a substitute form of magic to sate their addiction AGAIN. the methods they used when the sunwell had been destroyed were always a short term measure, designed to stave off the inevitable while a permanent cure was sought. inevitably, they would give into apathy and then death

the sunwell is restored this is all moot anyway. both are back to being one people divided by political agendas and both still feed on the sunwell

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