High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Tauren are not real.

Yeah you are. You were making a joke and I was playing along.

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I grew up in a dairy town and a few of the more gormless residents were extras on that episode of Firefly where they smuggled all the cattle. Most people thought they were cows.

This isn’t a game, this is real life and you need to wake up.

Do they not live in reality?

Okay now I’m just confused.

Consult your pediatrician.

Don’t be so childish.

What does that have to do with High Elves?

Childishness is always related to helfers.
:loudspeaker: :loudspeaker: :loudspeaker:

Nothing, but Star is acting like a drama queen.
This time people were speculating and brainstorming about future lore, and Star decided to reply to a old post unrelated to the discussion, so damm unnecessary.


I’m not a Helfer as I’m not Pro or Anti High Elf. I am neutral.

if the pro high elf community wishes to ‘have their fun’ as so many of you put it, they can do so on the legacy of quel’thalas facebook page and discord or start a new sub reddit. communities where they control membership and they can block anyone whom they dont like

if you post on the official forums, you are going to encounter anti high elf posters who are going to point out all the flaws with the suggestions put forward in the pro high elf echo chamber

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This is has to be one of the most passive-aggressive posts by you ever.

Just because you state, “probably not” doesn’t save you from it being insulting to those people.


It’s easily reportable.


I already did, and saving the quotes for proof.


Unnecessary drama and personal arguments are not part of discussion and do not count as a contradictory opinion.

And I would like to point out to EVERYONE in this thread that you shouldn’t talk about people in this thread in a bad light.

It just makes things worse for everyone.


Yup, get this personal attacks mess out of here. I don’t care what side of the conversation you stand on. Relegate it to the characters in-game no one cares.

People talk about wishing High Elves would all die, no one cares because we understand this is all fictional.

But talking about the players, the people behind those screens? Get that mess out of here and keep it out. Zero tolerance for that kind of behavior.

Keep that kind of talk off a public forum where it’s against the Code of Conduct.


Don’t deconstruct the joke, please.

I’m a craftsman and trained professional in construction and deconstruction related activities.

Is your business called Reno-vations?