High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Void Elves are visually identical to Blood Elves excluding colors. Literally just a palette swap of Blood Elves.

Mag’har are visually identical to Orcs excluding skin color.

Kul Tiran humans were visually identical to every other human (and most still are) until Blizzard decided to make them a playable race, and then gave them two new body types just for that.

Dark Iron dwarves were just grey-skinned red-eyed dwarf recolors like Void Elves are, until made playable.

Which Blood Elves weren’t around Silvermoon when it was being rebuilt with Fel?


Now that the mega thread is back containment should go back to normal. The only relevant High Elf threads will be this one as well as Lydon’s anti High Elf thread

I’ll undo my flag, too


Their model wasn’t changed, they are a recolor, but i’m ok with that, i’m not the kind of whiny player that demands that every race in the game must have it’s own model and animations with a false idea that Allied Races are actually different Races.

You are being disingenuous and dishonest by claiming that Void Elves are actually different but the High Elf concepts aren’t.


Im not sure about the female model but the male one I could easily get behind.
Keeps the feel of High elves without being a blood elf.

Its something new but something old.
I like it and would easily support it.

That’s not true at all. Even Farstriders like Lor’themar got Fel Corrupted.

This isn’t an issue since they are al Allied Race and the model is already Alliance.

No. There’s more to races then appearances.

These are things Blood Elves that are not part of the Blood Elf culture or identity so they are good indicators of being separate groups.

Not to mention most of the art isn’t using the Blood Elf model at all so it’s either you have trouble distinguishing different groups of Elves or that you’r being facetious for the sake of trolling.


I disagree that its being disingenuous to say that making the model blue and theming them all around void and their void powers is different to putting a blue mark on their face.

I find it far more disingenuous to say that they are comparable.

I copied this from another thread but


http://www.wowhead.com/npc=69259/lanesh-the-steelweaver#modelviewer:10+0 ( in isle of thunder)

http://www.wowhead.com/npc=114887/lanesh-the-steelweaver#modelviewer:10+0 ( in suramar)


I single handedly rebuilt all of Silvermoon and the Eversong Woods.


What can I say? Warriors are just amazing


Should’ve contracted some Druids at least to grow actual trees there instead of making a forest of plastic.


Those are likely model errors. There’s a reason they seperated the models in BFA.

They even corrected a few of them.


As one of the comments in thos pages puts it, I have a feeling those are most likely wrong models rather than “untainted Blood Elves”, seeing as to how the mistakes often happen on the other side too (e.g. Auric Sunchaser having a weird green glow around his eyes)


Could be a model error.
But its not much of a stretch to say not every single blood elf around lived in silvermoon next to fel crystals.
And that not every single High Elf left silvermoon the moment they came and avoided the green eyes.

Nonsense, Druids are cheapskates for trees that easily burn from a single long distance catapult.

The Plastic Trees I planted are magic proof and serve as Sentry Turrets to ward away dangers while looking fabulous in any sort of weather.

Exceptions do not override the rule.


They also prevent flying apparently. :anguished:


Is that not the basis for high elves?

Too soon…

That’s a warrior wearing Intellect gear.

I have a recommendation too: Place some speakers around Eversong to make sound of birds, that way it will sound more natural and can fool more people in believe it’s actually a forest. Seriously, the place surely don’t have natural sounds.


Obviously it’s just illegal to fly in a certain proximity to Silvermoon. None of us have a flying license for that region, obviously we’re all responsible citizens.


That’s how you know they are working. Eventually I’ll get some goblins to update the software tech to enable flying as okay.


No thanks, the soundtrack of the Blood Elven theme is working just fine.