High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

No, I mean a zone up north in Lorderon around the plaguelands.

http ://i.imgur.com/Z094B . jpg

I can’t post links but this should show the zone I’m referring to.

Legion would’ve been a great time to add playable Vrykul… If the Horde got the Nightborne and HM Tauren that we’ve been working with all expansion then it would’ve made sense for the Alliance to recruit the Vrykul in Stormheim

Maybe Blizz just didn’t have the dev time to make them playable


I think their plan was basically to add variety to humans, for some reason?

I’m not sure why… and wonder if they’ll do it for other races?

Other than the Trolls. They did it for the Trolls already.


You don’t need to add spaces to the link. Just put ` on either side of it, like so:



That’s the Quel’lithian High Elf outcast zone. Obviously. Silvermoon in Exile.

You’re right though. Nobody has ever really talked about that zone.


Maybe it’s Greenwood Pass?


I don’t think so… since it can’t actually get to Silvermoon on the WoW map…

I’d presume the main road to get to Silvermoon would be inside Quel’thalas/Ghostlands

I always wondered what was there, since it was a dead zone… and I was kind of obsessed with Quel’lithian Lodge anyways.

I wonder if it factored into the old Silvermoon remnant plans?

It would make sense to just have High Elves, like those up in Quel’lithian Lodge, work to reclaim Silvermoon.

Since at the time everybody in Silvermoon was dead.

An undead Silvermoon raid or dungeon would have been interesting.

I wonder why they decided to go with Silvermoon with the Blood Elves? When they could have just used Kael in Outland without retconning anything?

Outlands part of TBC after all.

Though, I guess it’s better that you go from 1-20 in Silvermoon and can get to the other questing zones, instead of going from 1-20 somewhere in Outland, then stepping into level 60-70 content.

Different design philosophy back then.


I remember reading somewhere that Silvermoon Remnant were going to be on an island. Quel’Danas I think?

I don’t think level was the reason. If you walked out of Quel’Thalas in BC you were met with the Eastern Plaugelands, with mobs leveling in the 50s.


That is a part of the starting zone for the DKs where the light’s chapel area takes place.
If you go south that is towards the ruined town they destroy.
If you point yourself up and west it points in the direction of lights chapel.
Use a new DK.

Going to double check on the old DK

No it isn’t. The DK Starting Zone is on the eastern side of the Eastern Plaguelands, this is above Stratholme. No where near the DK starting zone.

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I’ve always wondered what was there. I’ve tried getting there as well, but no such luck so far.


The DK starting zone is in the east of Eastern Plaguelands, while the area being discussed is to the northwest of Eastern Plaguelands.

DK Starting Zone:

Zone being discussed:


DUe to the inconsistant scale of WoW, Stratholme takes up that whole little area.

I mean obviously they could magic a new zone into exustance - theyve done it before, and it would make more sense - but thats the short answer.


I’m just saying it makes a nice spot for an Elven place to be.

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So does the non-zone between Stormwind and Ironforge.

Hell, the deeprun tram shows a Second War Elven shipwreck on the sea floor there.


Bah got myself turned around.
Iirc correctly, it is “geographically” a part of Quelthalas. It is also where the river stats so it isn’t an island.
You can see a few things there though like a tower, dock and stuff that looks night elf based.

IIRC, there was a human who said he came from north of Lordaeron too. So it might be some human area.

That was Deathwing in Human Form.

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But if you wanna lead an assault on Silvermoon, that would make a good staging zone.

TBH that makes it less appealling to me. If I was designing a High Elf starting zone it wouldn’t be some war camp on the border of Quel’Thalas. YMMV, though.


Supposedly it was datamined as a Void Elf minimap from a PTR a year ago.
