High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

That would be the same patch they will add the dance studio


If they do any permenant changes/ memorials for the warfronts I expect it on the prepatch of the next expansion.

We don’t really need anymore, but that would be a good way to bring in a new location.


Now that sounds best to me. A new location that has been rumored to exist, but none have been able to find it, except for some of the Exiled High Elves. This would be a good way to fuel the High Elf numbers in the Alliance.

If someone argues that it’s a stretch and awfully convenient, it’s exactly how I felt with the Mag’har Orc storyline. Now, I was happy to get it, but if not for the Lightbound Draenei, there would have been little to no need for them to want to join the Horde’s forces.


I like this idea!

We know dragons only shapeshift into the humanoid form of existing races in order to work with them (I’m not talking about the drakonid, which are mortals who are transformed into dragon-like servants). This means the High Elf form Nozdormu takes must be the form of a group that already exists somewhere:


And then there has been all this talk recently about the Dragon Isles and what might be found there. What if this is the land of some isolated group of High Elves that are allied with the Bronze Dragonflight?


All this effort the main High Elf Community puts in with all these cool concept art, arguments that defend High Elves being an allied race, and all this support really hurts my soul that I cant log into WoW right now and be a High Elf. Ion made a huge mistake with what he said back in that Q&A and I will fight endlessly until I see that wonderful day where I log into my High Elf and have fun.


His response was very lawyery though. On the surface he made it sound like a no, but when you analyze it closer it was more like a “not right now, maybe later” and “we already had Void Elves in the pipes, as we are months/years out on development, and want to advertise our current offering first.”


I like the idea of an island that is somewhat close to Twilight Highlands.

Basically everyone acts like it was there all the time and needs no explanation.


Well if they did that then they might as well do a 4 pack of ARs and bring in Wildhammer Dwarves, Dragonmaw Orcs, and Ogres too (who all happen to reside in the Twilight Highlands).


I mean it just felt like a literal gut punch to release void elves who literally came out of nowhere. Then make those weak arguments against high elves in the Q&A.

It matters not tho. I will continue to fight till we get High Elves in the Alliance.


I’d love if they retconned Northeron to just have been there the whole time like ‘sup guys, what did we miss?’


The path to hell is often paved by good intentions. Here’s the thing though, there was no good intention with what he said. It may have been neutral, but it leaned heavily to “too bad” for my liking. Also, it has yet to be shown that he acknowledged forums such as ours. If there has been any developers openly acknowledging our forums, our suggestions, then that would make me feel better. A little or a lot depends on how they acknowledge it.


Can’t be surprised, the devs post Ghostcrawler are far less apologetic towards people. Honestly WoW is too big to fail so, good PR means nothing.

Are we getting a dancer class? Is this Final Fantasy XIV now? I’m down.


I go away for a couple of weeks and there is a new Megathread! As always, I fully support playable High Elves.

This is now two filled forum threads in these new forums plus however many in the old forums. As far as I can tell there is not a single topic on these forums getting more discussions. When playable High Elves become a thing Blizz should do a shout out to this thread and everyone tjat contributes to it, even the naysayers.

I wonder how long this thread is going to take to fill up this time?


Isn’t there a zone up north that is basically not being used for like anything?

This is the 39th Mega thread.


If they redo Northrend though they have to make the Vrykul playable.

I don’t know that there are any Ogres in Northrend. But a Vrykul/Ogre expansion would be alright. Maybe they can pull a BFA and do Northrend for Alliance and some place with Ogres for Horde.

Or Ogres could just go to Northrend.


Are there actually any zones, that are being used for something. I mean other than Stormwind, Orgrimmar, and the few zones relevant to BFA?

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It is supposed to be PvP area, and its also relevant for DK mount quest.