High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

How my second day of Classic Stress Test was?



Were you testing the stress of the the Alleria statue incase some crazy evil black dragon decides to show up and murder it?

Not like that would ever happen…

Here is the progress of my high elf ranger. Line art takes me forever. I would love feedback.



sylvanas’ quote she left from when the high elves were still a part of the alliance always gets me :pensive:

Making real stress testing here you know…
Also making sure game isn’t bugged, can’t let Blizzard release a buggy game, just checking if Stormwind isn’t lacking mage trainers of course…


That is false and you know it.

Everyone knows WoW is full of bugs.

Imagine having to test Ahn’qiraji in the beta servers, can’t step without having to report another bug for Blizzard.


It’s funny because that Raid is full of insects.

I know right


i just noticed the alliance high elf NPCs

as to why they ‘keep adding high elf’ NPCs i thought the answer was obvious. that a small group of high elves are aligned with the alliance and that pretending they dont exist is also ridiculous within the context of the story

tbf, as far as i am aware they have added only 4 actual alliance high elf NPCs into BFA. 4 alliance high elf NPCs is perfectly in line with a minor, non playable faction that does exist but which has no real impact within the alliance beyond the nod to the past

It looks great, only thing that stands out to me is the mouth dosnt look center with the rest of the features of the face, I would move the jawline/chin forward a bit and center the mouth. Also the way you drew the pectoralis major it looks like its comeing from her back instead of from the front of her chest.


What issues would both anti and pro high elfers have with an altered story to bring in the High Elves. Not a total retcon, but an adjustment. Say that there were other hidden groups of High Elves. Since that is something that might be proposed by others, I thought I’d get this out of the way.

For me, I think it would take a lot of work to make something like that believable. I can see that there are some hidden groups now, but not so much before the divide between High Elves and Blood Elves.


Starting zone: Silver Covenant Enclave, Dalaran, Broken Isles.

The rest is implied.

The complicated would be art assets and coding, usual dev work.


Thanks so much for the feedback! I will work on adjustments!


It’s cool, i want to see your drawings in the future, i hope they end up being as gorgeous as you like them to be!


Well, there is that. I’m speaking more on lore.


Well. we keep finding hidden Night Elves.

I’m not sure that there is a need for it though.

The Elves that refused to drain mana ended up in Quel’lithian lodge and according to sources, starting as far back as the WoW encyclopedia, the High Elves were beginning to join the Alliance.

Not to mention they were trying to evacuate elves to Quel’danil, which didn’t work out for the boat loads of elvish children, but nothing is saying other Elves didn’t make it.

So even beyond potential evacuated High Elf citizens of Dalaran, Wherever they got the Silver Covenant High Elves from, Quel’Danil Lodge elves, Theramore survivors and Allerian Hold Elves there are other sources of High Elves.

Quel’lithian Lodge did eventually become corrupted, but we’ve seen Elves from the lodge appear other places and there is no telling how many joined the Alliance and left the lodge before it got corrupted.


Yeah, should just be kept how it is. Only bit that can be adjusted is mentioning how the exiled high elves got their population to increase from reproducing. I’d say it has been long enough for them to have children that have old enough to set out on their own.


There’s a good handful of lore options.

Maybe Tyrande asks the player to formally introduce the High elves to the Alliance and then she sends you to Vereesa.

After that Vereesa tells you that she planned on reuniting all the High elves under a new banner, and that she would need the help of Auric and Alleria or something. Then the player is sent to HE settlements to reunite them and crazy things happen (as always) and in the end they reunite and Vereesa goes to Anduin and says something along the lines of: ‘As i considered your father my king, i find you a worthy successor to lead my people, we will fight for the Alliance and we will be there for it, as we always were’ Or something epic like that.

And maybe taking a new name for them since having the same name of their race as a name for their group is kinda confusing for some people ahem.

Maybe Silver Elves as how it has been suggested by the community a pair of times or Elves of the Blade (Zaram’Dorei) as of some kind of order that refuses to go back with the Sin’dorei and despises the horde.

There are a lot of possibilities regarding to lore.


I mean, look, if Blizzard decide that there’s a previously unmentioned enclave of High Elf refugees on some forgotten island, and that serves as the new base of the High Elf allied race, I’m not going to complain.

I think its unnecessary, of course, but its not in itself a bad idea.