High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

We’ll get back up there in no time.

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You know what dude. I’m not wasting my time on you.

Another victory for High Elves.


If this is what the Helf community is going to be like, maybe they shouldn’t be a thing.


I don’t represent the High Elf community as I’m a neutral party in this whole ordeal.

No don’t sell yourself short. Congratulations you’ve swung me the other way.

A bit dramatic, don’t you think?

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Ren actually is a neutral party. He’s basically in it for the laughs.

Also, I’m over the whole, “A single poster snubbed me, so now I’m out for vengeance.” bit you see on the anti-thread all the time.

The High Elf community isn’t a single person. If you end up with an argument with someone on the internet and dislike them, then you know about one poster on the internet. Not a community of people making a request.


There’s a lot of Toxicity in this thread, a lot of it, I was sort of not really for it based on reputation and went in to see what it was like for myself and people are right. I’m not out for revenge I just don’t care anymore.

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Everywhere, not just two threads.

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You’re literally saying your changing your position, based on interactions with Reno, who is just here to play devils advocate and make jokes.

So once again, “The Reputation of the High Elf Community” doesn’t have anything to do with your reaction here.


Sure man, Sure. Whatever makes your boat float.

Magic. He’s a Mage.


A wizard did it. Cheater.

I recommend taking some time off and relaxing. It looked to me like you were just misunderstanding each other.

It was fun talking to you earlier about the things you want for WoW.

I will say, if you’re gonna spend some time in this thread, you’re going to have to deal with trolls (Which isn’t me insinuating Reno’s a troll.) and so it’s really important to be able to step back and look at the whole picture and if you’re going to post here frequently, then make sure you engage in self-care.

It’s just the nature of this thread. High Elf Posters deal with trolls every day and they’re always on high alert. So they’re on edge… and there are plenty of people trying to take advantage of that.


It can definitely be overwhelming to post here when the trolls are out in force, and it can get anyone on edge.


Nah, picking at small inconsequential garbage makes effort put here seem like a total waste. No offense. Good luck.

Reno did nothing wrong.