High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

xD, “We need exactly 34056 units of magic fuel to pull the sword out, no more, no less, I know what I’m doing”. Khadgar stabs Elune with Sargeras Sword “I meant one unit”


ive already responded to this. refer to my previous posts

Why is it so hard for you to understand that the Sunreavers came much later as shown by Every Single Bit Of Lore Several People Gave To You.


Just…give void elves more skin tones…

That’s not what people want. There’s a whole culture and RP to go with High Elves that players would like to enjoy.


That’s probably has far as blizzard is going to bend.

There’s no guarantee of that and there’s nothing wrong with people voicing their opinions.


I guess. Aslong as we get more unique races down the line.

Well the Allied race cycle hasn’t been unique races yet. Just plays off of the originals but making high elves in no way means they’ll just not do something else. There’s also a mega thread for Sethrekk.


I am well aware. :blue_heart::snake:

I will admit I was pro helf at a time but that was before velves came in. It was out of the blue yeah (personal I was expecting krokul from that rep) but because that would be 3 belf models, I feel like helves wont be coming anytime soon.

I mean, I think its fairly safe to say that if Blizzard come up with a race idea they’re really excited about, nothing’s going to stop that making it into the game anyway. I really reject the whole idea that there are a finite amount of resources that Blizzard is going to dedicate to Allied Races. If there’s enough of a buzz within Blizzard for something, they’ll allocate the resources to make it happen. Thats part of the beauty (and chaos) of modern service-based game development.


Void Infused Elves are pretty unique considering they didn’t exist prior to being added like other Allied Races.

They still use the Belf rigging though. They’re converted Belfs. A subspecies if you will. Kul’ Tirans are just burley humans. Maghar are just brown orcs. Dark irons are just grey dwarves. Zandalari are just tall trolls. Is more or less what I mean.


As if model rigs mattered. The High Elf concepts in this thread use Nelf or Human rigs proving this is irrelevant.

That hadn’t been seen prior in Legion unlike the other 3 Allied Races that came with it. This makes them unique as they were created specifically for this system.

Now if the helves looked like that human rig with the more barbaric theme and skins then that would be neat.

Ok bro that’s not the kind of uniqueness I meant and I don’t think its what the other guy meant either.


wanting something is fine and is perfectly understandable

but that doesnt mean the desire should pass without comment or opposition, particularly in regards to the fundamental objection i and the other anti high elf posters have, an objection that is sustained by a considerable body of evidence and dev commentary in support

that high Elves are already playable as part of the horde as blood elves, that void elves are a variant of a high elf for the alliance, and that it is impossible to differentiate an alliance high elf from a horde blood elf without it still remaining a high elf

as a result, the request for an alliance high elf is a request for an exact duplicate of a core horde race. this renders the request for an alliance high elf unique among almost all potential race suggestions and by far the most controversial :+1:

Its not controversial. You just think it is and that’s fine.


Unique is Unique.

They are all subsets.