High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

We’ll put pipes in that you can climb up instead of jumping out?


The Dalaran really doesn’t matter. You just keep the door closed. Like all the other allied Race hubs.


It’s not the same!

The pipes now lead to a secret room with free booze where the cool people can hang out.


Well if we can float a whole city we could float a pipe! They could add in a water park and you can jump through the pipe and land in the pool!


You people with your crazy ideas…


Fund it.


Really cool! I would love this, especially if it was a Hinterlands patch where Wildhammers became playable at the same time :slight_smile:.


Lots of passion for playable Alliance High Elves. Hopefully Blizzard is paying attention.


They say they are, but are they really?

Who really knows with them? Their attempt at player housing churned out garrisons. It is frustrating seeing them faceplant over their own arrogance.


again there is no reference to any other kind of elf who taught humans magic. just the sunreavers

there would have been no need for another group of elves within dalaran, any high elf who dwelt in dalaran would have simply joined the Sunreaver Mages and their associates. high elves were always a small minority in dalaran to think there were other groups spread around dalaran at this time is laughable

they also never left or rejoined the kirin tor. it was their leader aethas, who with his position on the council of six convinced everyone to allow the horde into dalaran. who also convinced them to allow blood elves into the kirin tor again. i think this is where you are getting confused

the sunreavers are THE elves who in dalaran for thousands of years and taught humans magic

jaina even says

“True, they are advocates of the Horde. But they have been allies and productive members of the Kirin Tor for over 2000 years"


“The very same Sunreavers who helped humans discover magic in the first place"

the fact she says this right before purging them from dalaran proves this. anyone with 2 eyes and a breath can see this

the fact you are trying to retcon a new group of high elves into the lore of dalaran to distance them from blood elves is comical

In the Shadow of the Sun

The novel by Christie Golden, Tides of War, states that the Sunreavers are named after Aethas Sunreaver. Which is no surprise.

and, just so you know. The Elves that helped humans with magic and demons was called the Council of Tirisfall.



ill concede this but only because i could have used better wording. the elves who came to dalaran to help perfect and expand magical knowledge with humans was the sunreavers

This isn’t true either.

The Sunreavers arrive in Dalaran to help the Kirin Tor do battle against Arthas in Northrend.

Lor’themar struggles because he knows he knows there are plenty of Mages in Silvermoon who are going to go to the Kirin Tor anyways. Also, Sylvanas corners him.

The quest text with Jaina is unfortunate, but is obviously incorrect. She may just not be trying to confuse the player character. But she’s obviously talking about the Quel’dorei from Silvermoon in general.

The Sunreavers don’t exist until Wrath of the Lich King. Not, “we don’t meet them until Wrath of the Lich king.” When you meet them is about when they’re formed in the first place.


Because it’s been established that the Sunreavers are the few Dalaran High Elves who left with Kael’Thas and became Blood Elves.

The Sunreavers, Silver Covenant, and Kirin Tor Elves all come from the same group of Dalaran Elves.

This is a complete lie and fabrication.

For one, Dalaran has always been a Human/Elf city.

And lore shows that Dalaran Elves where not welcomed into Silvermoon and that they where part of the group that chose not to rejoin Quel’Thalas after the second war.

And we have lots of High Elf Mages in the Kirin Tor and Silver Covenant who all come from Dalaran.

This contradicts the established lore of the Sunreavers.

I mean, how the heck did they become Blood Elves if they stayed in Dalaran?

Part of*

That doesn’t meant they are the only ones.

They all split off from Dalaran High Elves.

They where part of that group.

The Sunreavers are a brand new organization as of WotLK.

They where named after Aethas Sunreaver who wanted Blood Elves to rejoin the Kirin Tor.

Anyone who knows the slightest bit of lore about the Sunreavers knows this.

You’re the only one asking for retcons here. You’re literally trying to change the lore that the Sunreavers are every Dalaran High Elf Mage ever and that the organization existed for thousands of years despite being named after an established young character.

Go read Shadow of the Sun and quit this false train of thought.

You are showing your lack of knowledge and care for the lore by pursuing this.

They where part of that group but not all of them. To state otherwise is false and ridiculous.


yes, the lore inside and outside of the game is wrong :roll_eyes:

i provide evidence but you simply come back with “its not true” the in game lore is wrong because i say so

another perfect example of the pro high elf community countering with an opinion and zero evidence. ty

It’s not.

But you’re not talking about that. You’re talking about stuff you made up.

She clearly meant that they where some of the Elves who taught magic to humans. But that only makes sense in the actual context of the lore.

Isolating it to try and prove a point when all other things contradict that point is fruitless.


She’s been kinda trolly this whole thread.


Misinformation and lies need to be corrected less they spread.

Even the anti people aren’t supporting them in this so I don’t think we have much to worry about though.

I’m off the the gym.


Suddenly I have this mental image of Dalaran trying to pull Sargeras’ sword out with giant tow ropes and suddenly I desperately want that to be a thing.

Jaina: “Now remember, Dalaran’s got a bit of a kick, so you want low revs!”
Khadgar, with his arm hanging out a city window like he’s driving a pick-up: “I know how to drive a city, girl, get on with i- aait, wait, we’ve gotta stop for a second. I dropped my beer.”