High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation)

Tell that to my Gilnean Druid before he turns into a Worgen in the starting zone.

And that’s not including the fact that you can run around as a Human if you want.

I’ll tell him as soon as he stops wildly flinging his arms around while casting Solar Wrath.


Oh, no, you’re right. There will be tons of Vulpera… and like, not even from people that play Gnomes and Goblins.

Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if some people sign up to play some Vulpera.

and yeah. Junker Gnomes will pull from the current Gnome population.


Oh but all the Horde only players absolutely love them!


It’s really funny because when people complained about Kul’tiran many Horde players and Alliance Alts said they would trade them for Zandalari any day, praising Kul’tirans, but checking their Achievements today, no one of them has leveled a single Kul’tiran alt…

Always a fun read.

Mechagnomes is going to be the same thing, Horde players praising them, but even one year later after the race release, none of them will have a single Mechagnome leveled.


I don’t even have KTs unlocked yet.

What if the Worgen AR turned out to be a group of High Elves from the Dragon Isles who have learned how to transform into Drakonids from Nozdormu?

The combat form would always be the Drakonid, just like Worgen are always in wolf-form while in combat (except for druids of course). But then they could have a Two Forms style spell where you change back into your normal High Elf form.


That kind of takes away from being counted as a Worgen AR.

On the contrary, it fits it perfectly. Beastman in combat, normal form out of combat.


I think more people would associate it as Dragon Elves then anything to do with Worgen.

What are you saying, neckbones?

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I love your transmog

Me too. It only took me like 40 +2s.

The only armor issue I see are boots. The real problem is mounting. Which is why an elf would probably be essentially to playable naga


Just stick a boot on the tail.

I think they mentioned Nagas riding side saddle.

I mean my first thought is with Azshara dead we might get scaled down naga night elves.

I spose Nagas could fall under the Nelf AR Role across from High Elves falling under the Blood Elf AR role.

How would you side saddle the big mounts, like yak and mammoths?. Or better yet a dragon, wouldn’t the wings just clip through you?


My Back Holstered weapons clip thru my shoulderpads.

I don’t think they care about clipping.