Hide Pants Is The Best Feature Ever!

Woo!!! Finally no weird pants showing through the pretty gowns!

Cannot wait! My bearded (female) dwarves in LoTRO & EQII are SO CUTE! I just hope they give us some cool beards - I’d LOVE some braids!

That’s what you get for wearing pants in the first place. :stuck_out_tongue:

First, it’s a well-known fact that the females in video games are sexy so they appeal to those who find females sexy. Second, (definitely speaking for myself here) I think a whole lot of us are… How to put this, uhm… Well, not built like society considers a sexy female to be. But we can have our sexy fantasy bods in video games (Not why I play female characters, in case anyone wonders, it’s because when I’m immersed in a game & suddenly hear a male voice coming from my character it yanks me right out of immersion lol) if we want. And well, most male players will say they play a female character because they don’t want to look at (pancake) male butts while they’re playing.

I cannot even begin to imagine…

I SO wish they’d bring the LOL button back!

This says more about you than about OP and anyone else who will “go pantsless” with their characters. Maybe you should concentrate on playing the game then, rather than looking at what other players’ pixels are wearing.

Another for the LOL button! (A LITTLE? LOL!)

I cannot even… what ARE you on about??? Just play the game as you wish to play and STOP STARING AT OTHER PLAYERS’ PIXEL CLOTHES!!! This is so much a YOU thing and not an “integrity of Azeroth” thing. I know! We should all ask Blizzard to put a toggle in right below (or above!) the Arachnophobia one so the easily offended can “show all players completely covered in clothing”!

He would probably actually be a much closer approximation to what the Biblical David was wearing. So again, this is you being offended over something you do not even need to be paying attention to. I guarantee you that I can run dungeons, scenarios & raids without EVER NOTICING what the other players’ characters are wearing. You can do it too, if you just put your mind to it.

Option at the Transmogger, just like everything else with your character’s clothes.

You can choose to see the ignored content. But proves MY point - one doesn’t NEED to go around staring at the lesser-clothed pixel people, yet this person apparently does just so they can be offended over it.


But you DO NOT “have to look at” ANYTHING, much less how other players’ pixels are dressed. The only reason you would “have to look at all of these fetish outfits” is if you’ve clothed your own characters that way.

Well at my age, I’ve EARNED the right to be a degenerate if I choose to be!

The only thing I don’t really like about that outfit is how the purple bleeds in the crotch area into the thighs. It looks… well you know…

I ~think~ you can on character creation; if I’m remembering correctly, then you may be able to do so in the Barber Shop.

Precisely why I am happy about it.

They need to fix those pancake butts first though. You can put all the Speedos on the males you want, but the pancake butts!!!

Wow, just wow. I’m thinking multi-player games are maybe not for you at all if you are really THAT triggered by skimpy outfits.


So apparently this IS true. I now have troll lady paladin with shirt, top and pants invisible. Instead a mail looking tabard from the trading post are worn. I manage to find color matching tall boots, paudrons and wristguards and topped this of with “Warleaders Crown” instead of a helmet to avoid hiding the hairstyle.

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But of course.

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Q: “Is that thing over there affecting you?”
A: “No.”
Q: “Is that thing over there bothering you?”
A: “Yes.”

Bear in mind, people on reality shows aren’t really like that.


Deeply overrated, ultimately just a statue of a dude that’s only famous because the sculptor knew the right rich people hundreds of years ago.

Like, it’s technically impressive, but I’m looking for a little more vision in my art than “I can copy my anatomical model correctly and maybe there’s an expression on his face if you squint”.

I mean, the one thing people remember about David is that he fought a monster, or a giant at any rate. Didn’t stop Michelangelo from making Rule 34 about him.


I’m happy I will not longer have to pay to transmog pants that don’t show because they are under my robes anymore.


Still not seeing it.

That’s my secret, captain. I never focus lol


I forgot all about that feature… If I took the pants of my char …woah … I would get so harrassed I have a blood elf… and you know how sexy they can be…

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Still waiting on the hide undies option :crazy_face: :popcorn:

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Omg i know what im doing later


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The two people in this thread who manifested dislike for Hide Pants were monks.

Is this a monk thing? :confused:


“Saving My Love for You” I don’t think it ever made any charts. Just local SF Bay Area

“stop objectifying me!”

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huh. just realized, monks can (essentially) run around naked. i mean, you can hide all your armor, and monks have an invisible fist-weapon they can transmog to… they can run-around in the buff! :open_mouth:

unrelated: that vulpera you posted a pic of? i’d pet them, they’re cute! :smiley:

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Kinda hard ngl

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Agree, this is the best feature ever added to the game.

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I never mogged them if the robe/skirt covered them completely lol. Only for the pretty dresses with the low-cut back & side openings, although the “pants” still showed through.

Oh and for the record? I have NO clue WHY my avatar appears to show Lady Shaie nekkid, but she is most certainly clothed! She’s wearing the blue NElf Heirloom set, including the headpiece!

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