Hide Pants Is The Best Feature Ever!

Maybe we could have some outfits with an “optional appearance”. Foor those that want to go all in on these there could be a checkbox in the settings that will make these visible or show them as a more modest version. As such more prudent people would feel safe and those that want to enjoy the eye candy also get their fun. Only selected outfits will have this functionality. If you want to be encased in steel while enjoying the scenery, you could still do that in such a system.

A system like this and designers can feel free to design these things and update the graphic quality of the old ones.

come on guys quit feeding him.

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we have to be equal somehow, im for sexy women, but that should mean sexy men also. Just to be fair


Too many ladies have cheezy thongs. We should all have a respectable briefs option.

All they need to do is modify the butt wedgie underwear. No need for it.

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Butt wedge / butt size = thong deepness

no we needs the underwear.

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You sure do, not a piece of string between your filthy crack.

oh yes. freedom for my posterior.


Indeed freedom for the Posterior


i do worry that if you are of a male persuasion, one of these women will liberate you of your testis. ( I was not allowed to use the full testi***)

I love it too! I also love your character transmogs!!


I don’t think that’s one i’ve heard…got an ideal song or album I should check out?

well, that’s certainly a choice. personally, i would’nt be able to focus if my characters did’nt wear pants/tops… also, DANG, that cute gobbo! :heart_eyes:

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It looks like her feet have been stuck in a bees nest, which can’t be fun at all.

they better not pop my floatie :frowning:

Impressive, very nice…

Let’s see Paul Allen’s warband!


oh my gosh, it even has a watermark


Please keep in mind: People, who play sexy characters in games are either not looking nothing like this in RL or males, who want to play sexy female characters.

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Look at the subtle off-white of that female draenei…
the tasteful thickness of her thighs…