Hide Pants Is The Best Feature Ever!

dont worry i scared him off with my inflatable floaty tube. this thread is now back to being LUXURIOUS!


lol you are the best

oh no hes back.

I was there. That’s how I know she wore a tabard that hung over her butt. She wore a one piece, not a string up her crack. We didn’t have transmog back then. They didn’t have blood elves with strings yet either. Go bother someone else.

begins dancing oh my hooves my luxurious hooves.

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wish i had a girlfriend.

Hang in there, be a good person, listen. One of these nights, I can’t tell you why, life is in the fast lane.

i try but its so hard. im just ready to give up.

Dont ever feel like giving up, its a dark desert highway. You mean something

Not that this is exactly my speed, but as long as this is happening, it would be nice to be able to tweak color/style of the “bathing suit.”


also color toggle for the tubes please.

my man still quoting Eagles :smiley:

Im here on my own device


This seems fishy. You can definitely go pantsless if you want but pantless transmog? I need to check this out before I believe it. Anyway, the reason WHY people has wanted to get rid of pants are mainly certain robes with cutouts meant to exposed skin on the sides. A popular version of this has been, in different colours on the Trading Post several times.

And let’s get real, the summer outfit on the trading post have supposedly swim gear but the ladies didn’t get a bikini bottom but more of a skirt with webbing hanging in the back.

Now for those that want some classic high fantasy look options have few and expensive circulating around some classic outfits for outrageous prices on AH. And they fit differently. For example, the “Jade” set look good on an elf, decent on a human and horrible on a troll, well the “pants” part is “bleeding” into the inside of the legs. These old sets are loved but need readjustment to fit properly.

I have noticed that many has been using the “bloodhunter” pants, but they are, the blood painted on the legs are a turnoff. and the top have a hideous amulet on it, but the coverage of the entire set is minimal. Anyone that want something looking like an actual bikini or a comics version of a Red Sonja outfit need to look elsewhere.

So, a suggestion. Take the Bloodhunter outfit as a base. Remove the blood, feathers and that hideous amulet. Cut it down to a clean top and bottom. Add some nifty pauldrons (with options) and a headgear in the form of a crown with cheek protection that doesn’t supress the hairstyle. Then drop the result on the trading post in various colours and different skins like mail for instance. Boots or sandals and a nifty belt to hang weapons from. Everything as an ensemble of individual parts and fully compatible with alternative gear. Ever noticed the Kadorei archers in the Battle in The Emerald dream? They do not wear much; I was surprised to see that. There is an interest in these sorts of things.



Smog enthusiasts rejoice.

Maybe she does it do distract you from the game…

I love the Eag;es, I love Journey, Im so lucky to live in that era Any one heard of Earthquake?


And you don’t remember all the skimpy outfits for the female characters?

I’m gonna have to press ‘D’ for doubt.

Which I acknowledged, although you could/can still see her butt cheeks hanging out from the side and more when she moves.

But, regardless, the player character in the same outfit in purple and black didn’t.

Someone doesn’t like to be proven wrong and their puritanical streak exposed.


My bud just logged in and dumped so many gems on me Good friends are the best thing about this game