Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

If this included MST3K-like equips from a Belf name Tom Servo, i’m all in

The ego of some people, they think they are THAT important they are fearful of being profile stalked…

Here’s my armory profile.

What are gonna do with it? Nothing…

Here’s the toon I’m working on for the orc heritage gear…

again… what do with it?

okay, it’s a forum posting toon… so what?


Vongola#1794 is my battletag.

I have zero problem with anyone knowing it because it’s not personal information. It’s just a word with a random string of numbers attached.

You can’t learn anything about me (aside from me being an anime fan) and you’re free to add me in game. If you cause problems, I delete and ignore you. If you don’t, we become friends.

There is literally no downside to knowing a btag.


I couldn’t care less one way or the other. I just don’t know why this is so important to people. Have some self control and just don’t read what someone says if you don’t like it.

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Okay, but i have problem with sharing it with anyone else. Especially here on these forums.

Stalkerman has entered the chat

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How about the people lacking self control when they switch characters to HARASS others? Should we just ignore someone threatening us? Telling us to end our life?

No, they should be known and shamed for their poor behavior because it could save someone’s life. That is NOT something you ignore, nor is it something that you should be allowed to get away with.

If you want to be an abusive, terrible human being, fine. You do you. But you will be held accountable. Period.


May I ask what do you use the forums for?

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Agreed. I’ve had someone threaten me in such a way before on these forums. While I was able to roll with the punches, all it takes is saying something like that to the wrong person at the worst possible time in their lives for something to go horribly wrong. Words have power, and that power should be used wisely.


That’s what the report button is for.

Shaming someone is against the forum code of conduct. So, you basically want to harass a harasser.

Terrible posters will be held accountable by Blizzard, not by you.

You admitting to want to harass other posters is exactly why others don’t want btags here.


thank you for wise words, good thoughts and truth.

Blizzard mods are stretched too thin. They don’t read every single flag or report because it’s impossible for them to do so because of the sheer amount of them, most of which are false flags.

Things slip through the cracks, people get away with terrible behavior. I’ve seen it happen. Many flagged posts are just deleted without being properly read because the mods don’t have the time or energy to read EVERY SINGLE flag.

You can’t be serious. Calling someone out for telling someone to END THEIR LIFE is not harassing them. It’s holding them accountable for being a crappy human being.

Again, it’s not harassment, it’s holding someone accountable for being a terrible human being. If people don’t want to be held accountable for their actions, they shouldn’t be telling people to end their life, telling people they deserve to die and threatening to do the deed themselves.

You are so far removed from reality that it’s honestly shocking. Good luck with your life and goodbye.


We don’t use our battlenet tag here so I don’t see how this even applies. If people don’t want there characters’ names known maybe just don’t post on them?

As for ignore list that others have brought up, it should be account based - not sure why they haven’t done this. Maybe they can’t with the current set up?

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:100:, good point. i think same and many others too.

as it i visible here, they are gang of 10 people going and trashing, derailing topics they do not like without posting anything on and about a subject. Trolling with offtopic nonsense, images and derailing topics into 404.

this would be a wonderful feature to have on the forums, thank you so much for suggesting it!

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It’s been confirmed a few times that they are working on improving the forums and having them fall in line with all of the other blizzard forums.

It just takes time to get it done. People have speculated that it will be around the time the next expansion comes out.

This isn’t a difficult concept, you don’t get to hold anyone accountable for anything. Only Blizzard can hold someone accountable. You don’t have the right to harass anyone here for any reason. Utilize the report button if posters break the rules.

Again, you don’t get to do that here. Vigilante justice isn’t allowed here.

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I’m starting to believe this.

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Yes. I am tired of being stalked here constantly. I want peace and safer environment. Hiding your name would provide that.


I have two people on ignore on the forums. I am purposely curating my forum experience to not have to see posts that they make, which on a wider scale cuts down on the amount of forum moderation that the mods need to do because people wouldn’t be constantly reporting the opinions of people that they just disagree with but aren’t actually actionable.

One of the two people that I have on ignore likes to argue. It’s their very favorite thing. If there was such a thing as the Monty Python Argument Clinic in real life, they’d be their biggest customer. When they argue, they will splatter every single possible argument against a thing on the wall no matter how little sense it makes, how true it is or how relevant it is, just for the sake of bickering, and then they refuse to go to any of the underlying effort of explaining or proving their point of view. They’ll say they already did when they didn’t, or that proof exists somewhere they just shouldn’t have to source it, then they change their argument to the next thing they can think of.

I was spending way too much time and energy feeling like I had to explain, not to them because they’d never change their mind, but to other people why they were so wrong so that people just arriving to the thread didn’t take their purposeful misinformation as gospel. Finally I realized that my life was better without the temptation to engage. I put them on ignore and my blood pressure in general went back to manageable levels.

The other person that I have on ignore genuinely believes that they have a fundamental right to infinite interpersonal reboots, that they should be able to use people, insult them, demean them, stab them in the back then come back at them pretending to be a new person (all things that they’ve admitted to doing themselves, unprompted). They have a habit of spilling intensely personal details about their life on the forums trying to garner sympathy, but all their oversharing does is reveal that their understanding of social contracts and ability to relate to other people is deeply broken.

Both of those people have changed the character that they post on in the past, deliberately, because too many people had similar experiences in the past with them and also put them on ignore, and their posts weren’t getting as much traction.

Neither one of them has a fundamental claim on my time and energy. There are plenty of people that I’m perfectly able to roll my eyes at and keep scrolling, but for these two I don’t even want to see their posts no matter which character they post on. I would not want them in a box. I would not want them with a fox. I do not want them here or there, I do not want them anywhere. So instead of having to be outraged about the blatant engagement-bait and outrageous takes that they throw out trying to get attention I just have the forum block out their post for me.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Now I don’t have to worry about them and they don’t have to worry about me. And with one more minor quality of life tweak that will hopefully come soon one way or another (according to the Blues, it’s something they’re want to do as of two months ago they just don’t know when) I can control what I have to deal with from select people no matter which character they switch to.

There are two more that I’d love to add to the pile, but they switch alts with high frequency so there’s little point to the attempt right now.

To bring it around town to the topic at hand, completely undoing people’s ability to curate their experiences at all is a move that’s completely in the wrong direction and will only lead to more trolling and strife in the long term.