Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

I have been posting on my Battletag on the other Blizzard forums for over 20 years. For 10 of them I have been doing it in green.

I am just fine with Battletags. I am 100% sure of it.

We sort of do though. We can flag a post, but more importantly what people want is to IGNORE the person behind all those characters. From my perspective I can’t control their behavior, but I can control who I see posts from. Being able to ignore the poster (person) whatever tag they want to call themselves, is important. That is why we have account wide Ignore in game so that people can’t message you from their alts once you ignore one of them.


I mean if you want to hide your character name, ask Blizzard to swap the forums to battletags lol.


I think you’re creating another thread on a subject which is not an issue because your other one lost traction.


Hmm, this feels like another thread you made where you trolled and spammed the same messages constantly while using your alts to agree with yourself


Absolutely, 100000% NOT.

People already troll and harass people by jumping from one character to another, pretending to be different people to further their own views, like their own posts and bypass the ignore feature.

What you’re proposing is dangerous and will create nothing but a safety blanket for trolls, harassers and abusers. It will never happen if Blizz has ANY shred of common sense.

The backlash they would receive from making such a poor choice would be far greater than what they would be willing to deal with. And I’m sure they know it.

Hiding your battletag in game is far different from hiding it on the forums where you can literally character hop within seconds and harass someone who has already ignored your other character.

I have SEEN the repercussions of anonymity online. I have been on the receiving end of death threats, telling me I should game end myself, telling me I don’t deserve to live. And do you know why? Because the ABUSER felt protected.

And I could do nothing about it because they were anonymous. Though, I’ve told you this already and you responded saying I was lying.

You also told me that someone telling me to game end is just an OPINION and that I AM THE RUDE ONE for blocking them.

When given proof of my claims, you told me they were photoshopped and faked. This proves that you do not have good intentions and would abuse an anonymous feature.

If you want to be anonymous, go to reddit. It will never happen here. Period.


Does it bother you to just not read what someone says? If I don’t want to read something I just skip over it.

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Anyway on topic

I do not think its a good idea to have randomly generated names on here, as we are not streamers nor are our battletags with numbers listed either

These are 2 very different scenarios and make no sense being compared

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How do you know who streams here and who doesn’t?

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Are you streaming the wow forums?


I could be, that isn’t your concern what someone streams.

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Well, considering the other thing was added as a streamer mode

Yes, it is a concern about this, so it makes using that as an example entirely irrelevant

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A person replying? No that does not bug me to just skip it. The issue is that that people here posts with characters to troll and sockpuppet. I don’t want to waste my energy having to figure out who they are again, and ignore them again on each and every character. I don’t want to talk to that poster. Period.

I admit I only have like 2 or 3 on my ignore list, but it is the principle of the thing.


hide my name would be best option for these forums. It’s mmorpg a lot of people Role playing, character names are a must thing, they are not going to add btags here.

But they can help with hide my name function.

If you are trying to roleplay on the forums, you are doing it wrong.


On the forums? Yet to see it.


You do not have to. Just skip post. It’s game public forums after all.

Why do you need to figure out who anyone is? Either the discussion has valid substance or it doesn’t. It shouldn’t matter who said it.


You said “character names are a must thing” and “help me hide my name” in the same breath. I can’t even.


Nay, those were 1500 sorties into enemy territory - or possibly a DMZ - with limited intel briefings and marginal equipment to conceal themselves.

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very valid point.