Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

point is people READ “ignored” players posts regardless, so why put them on ignore in the first place?

You know what…

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts
  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
  • Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity

You have been spamming the exact same thing over and over again. There is no such thing as “stalking people’s armories.” This has been explained to you, so many times, but yet, you’re ignoring what people have been saying and continuing on with the same thing over and over, acting like a broken record.


Yes it is. Nobody is checking anyone armories for no reason. Here players who are actively asking b-tags, always stalking and trying to do an investigation against poster.
Then accusations, ridiculing and trolling, while pretending to be a victim.

already explained, my profile and armory is set to be private.

We should have both of those things.


You can not set your armory to private!

As I said:


what was exactly a reason you were in dire need to check my armory in the first place"?

Who says I’m checking your armory? Truthfully, I don’t really care about your armory. The fact is though, you’re trying to claim something when you know it is false.

And a reason why someone may look at the armory maybe something like “Transmog threads”


forum profile allows us to use option to set it private and when you click on players profile it says hidden. That u can access armory externaly is just a bug or oversight that should be fixed.

Yeah, set forum profile to private. Not the Armory.

No, it is not a bug. You can not set the armory to private. Don’t believe me? Go ask CS. They’ll tell you the same thing.


You are correct Ayukama. You can set your profile to private (though it too can be searched and found even if private) but there are zero options for setting the armory to private.


You’re not exactly in a position to say this. You don’t know. They might enable BTags tomorrow. Silly thing to even say.

What do you think somebody here can do with your video game character information? Look at your other characters? The horror!!


Sure, in your own house. Sure, regarding your personally identifiable information (real life info).

You don’t own your Bnet, characters, or anything you type on this forum. It is not YOURS. You also agreed to monitoring and that you have no expectation of privacy here.

Blizzard and its partners (such as marketing and analytics providers) shall have the right to monitor and/or record your communications when you use the Platform, and you acknowledge and agree that when you use the Platform, you have no expectation that your communications will be private. Blizzard shall have the right to disclose your communications for any reason, including: (a) to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request; (b) to enforce the terms of this Agreement or any other Blizzard policy; (c) to protect Blizzard’s legal rights and remedies; (d) to protect the health or safety of anyone that Blizzard believes may be threatened; or (e) to report a crime or other offensive behavior.

You switch alts to keep this going when enough people get your last one on Ignore. You WANT to be able to switch alts all you want and have nobody know. That is not how honest communications work. That is how trolling works. Sockpuppets.

We all know what this thread, and others like it are about. Blizzard thankfully agrees the current forum software needs changing. How and when, I don’t know.

It won’t be to encourage and allow more alt hopping/trolling though. Account wide ignore will be glorious when (hopefully) we get it.

I don’t even care if they use the Battletag or just limit us to picking on main posting name. I don’t care if they have us make a new forum nickname. Just so long as each human has ONE forum name they use - and can be ignored in one click for good. Just like in game.


Some folks also need a serious reminder that they DON’T own their characters or character data.

**Blizzard’s Ownership**

With the sole exception of the Licensors’ Games, Blizzard is the owner or licensee of all right, title, and interest in and to the Platform, including the Games that are produced and developed by Blizzard (“Blizzard Games”), Custom Games derived from a Blizzard Game, Accounts, and all of the features and components thereof. The Platform may contain materials licensed by third-parties to Blizzard, and these third-parties may enforce their ownership rights against you in the event that you violate this Agreement. The following components of the Platform (which do not include content or components of the Licensors’ Games), are owned or licensed by Blizzard:

All virtual content appearing within the Platform, including the Blizzard Games, such as:

  • Visual Components: Locations, artwork, structural or landscape designs, animations, and audio-visual effects;

  • Narrations: Themes, concepts, stories, and storylines;

  • Characters: The names, likenesses, inventories, and catch phrases of Game characters;

  • Items: Virtual goods, such as digital cards, currency, potions, weapons, armor, wearable items, skins, sprays, pets, mounts, etc.;

  • All data and communications generated by, or occurring through, the Platform;

  • All sounds, musical compositions, recordings, and sound effects originating in the Platform;

  • All recordings, Game replays, or reenactments of in-game matches, battles, duels, etc.;

  • Computer code, including but not limited to “Applets” and source code;

  • Titles, methods of operation, software, related documentation, and all other original works of authorship contained in the Platform;

  • All Accounts, including the name of the Account and any Battle Tags associated with an Account. All use of an Account shall inure to Blizzard’s benefit. Blizzard does not recognize the transfer of Accounts. You may not purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, or offer to purchase, sell, gift, or trade any Account, and any such attempt shall be null and void and may result in the forfeiture of the Account;

  • All Moral Rights that relate to the Platform, including Custom Games derived from a Blizzard Game, such as the right of attribution, and the right to the integrity of certain original works of authorship; and

  • The right to create derivative works, and as part of this Agreement, you agree that you will not create any work based on the Platform, except as expressly set forth in this Agreement or otherwise by Blizzard in certain contest rules, Blizzard’s Fan Policies, or addenda to this Agreement.


Expecting privacy when you post on a public forum? :thinking: If privacy is that important to you, do not post at all. Just like those who want privacy may not partake in social media. Apply that same principle here.


The ignore feature is there for obvious reasons. Ownership has no bearing on whether someone should be subject to abusive behavior, language, or posters/posts they find offensive.


Correct. You don’t own anything in the forums. Ignore has nothing to do with ownership. It means you can’t force ME the person, to see something you write when I don’t want to.

I can Ignore all you write, all with one Ignore. That is the point of it in game, and on the forums. Not ignore each character you sockpuppet with, ignore YOU.

Why you make up things like ownership being related to ignore is beyond me. You have no privacy because this is not your forum, your character, or your data. The only thing you control is what you type, and what you see.

We advocate for control over what we see so people can’t keep switching characters to talk to us. Like you do.

This is stated much better than I did.


Good morning / afternoon folks. I think I’m finally awake.

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well, this is again false. Since this is my only character that i post from. False accusation.

Someone forcing you to come to WoW forums?

I check armories, because someone shows up with a mog and I want to see what gear they used.


There really is a simple solution, I feel. Forum handles should be static across Blizzard forums (any platform/game). It does not necessarily need to be the individual’s battle tag, but one forum name associated with that given Battle.net account which cannot change. Armory should be something not accessible via the forums, but instead can be searched by character name, if someone wants to share that information on the public forum.

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