Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

Or we could not


Yes. Their first thread asking for 4chan style anon posting here got shut down. So they are now asking for the same thing by conflating a streamer feature for OW2 in-game, with the forums. Ignoring the fact that OW2 forums post with Battletags.

It is disingenuous at best.


Seriously, all you’re doing is repeating the same thing over and over again. At this rate, might want to ease up on that spam. I heard it is bad for you.

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Yeah, I know about the first thread, though I don’t think the first thread was shut down because of the topic itself, but rather because of the toxicity and spam from a lot of people in that thread. All I will just say, that other thread did get pretty badly heated, and what happened here in this thread earlier, it is the same situation too.

And yeah, no point adding in a “streamer functionality” to the forums when streamers mostly play games, and not browse the forums all the time.

Me too.
I post all the time on these forums. Yet in the, however many years it has been since WoD, that I’ve been on the forums, I’ve only been recognized once and it was from the Mage class forums for helping people.

So all these people wanting to protect their identity from harassment, I just have to assume they’re fighting demons nobody else can see.

Well, I’ve decided to become a forum streamer. 24/7 streaming of me mindlessly reading the forums, I’m gonna be the top streamer in the genre! (because I’ll be the only one but that’s just details)

Will you serve taco’s in your streams?


Reddit is a forum right?
So I think you’d be surprised at how many of the “top” streamers just browse forums most of the day.

Of course! Tacos every single stream. If your post gets a heart from me, I send you a taco.


YAY :taco: :taco: :taco:


remember the other day on the account wide topic where i said whenever people make other posts about different ways of suggesting things and people just derail and do all this…nonsense. lemme find it.

example? this thread lol. its just the same dang cycle and its getting so old now. like for real, read this topic and then go to other one, and go to the “btag protection” topic.
its the same damn thing and this n that one are prolly gonna get canned.

also i have nothing against u im just showin u how ridiculous this is getting again


I can agree with you to a point, but this topic is very close to my heart, so forgive me if I get a bit heated when people are spreading misinformation and lies.

I’ve been on the receiving end of anonymous hate. I’ve been told to off myself, that I don’t deserve to live. And you know what? I almost listened. I was young and depressed. They almost won.

I’m trying to protect people from the same fate. I’m trying to protect people who may not have the strength to stop themselves from going through with it.

I have been there. I suffered and all I want is stop people from suffering the same. Anonymous posting is dangerous. It brings out the worst in people because they believe they have the power to say what they want without consequence.

It only takes one person to say it to someone in a really bad place and that life will be lost. And the person who said it? Nothing happens to them. And they simply don’t care.


Oh they understand how Btags would work and that’s why they don’t want them. It makes them responsible for what they post across all of their sockpuppets.


im sorry that happened to you and ppl should really stop that “kms” bs. so sick of it. i tried to report someone saying that on classic and no one else did, couldnt believe it. some news on that is people who actually encourage ppl to kill themselves (and they do it) are held accountable in some fashion if theyre caught. really sucks.

that said, let me assure you that op’s suggestion will never happen and we would sooner get btags. so dont worry, this is an obvious troll post against tags i already know lol. i respect your opinion though jae and you so i wont really converse with btags (or similar) with u so we wont get heated lol.

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It really is sad. Like, yes, you can say it’s just words from a stranger online, but to someone vulnerable, and especially young, it can really impact them. It happens way too often and without consequence.

It breaks my heart to see it knowing how it can effect people and it makes me mad knowing there’s not much I can do to change how things are online.

I don’t think the mods are bad people, but there isn’t enough of them to handle the sheer number of posts. They can’t read everything and even if something DOES get flagged, it’s possible they won’t see it. I don’t blame them, I’m sure they are doing the best they can with what they got.

Honestly, I’m sure you’re right. I’ve tried to ignore it, but seeing so much misinformation being spread hurts and, again, the topic hits really close to home so it’s hard to resist taking the bait lol

I respect yours, as well, and I’d like to apologize if I ever came off as aggressive in my replies. I try not to be but emotions run high with topics that matter to us haha especially when trolls get involved.

We have rules here. Blizzard will suspend accounts that say things like was brought up before. If you think that won’t get someone suspended then you’re being disingenuous.

You can’t protect anyone, all you can do is report posters who break the rules.

Then none of this matter anyway since it’s the wild west. If you believe this then btags don’t matter, anon posting doesn’t matter, none of it matters since nothing will happen to anyone anyway… according to you.

As was said before, you want vigilante justice and that’s not allowed here. There is no mob justice here.


I think the biggest problem is, when topics get heated, we all get carried away within it, and things tend to just get way more heated. We all have the responsibility to do the right thing, but when drama always unfolds, we tend to forget that, which leads to things getting a bit out of hand.

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I am not sure I totally agree with this. My take is they should:

  • Be reported for saying things that violate the forum rules.
  • IGNORED at the account level so the person never has to deal with the alts harassing them too.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. Shunning and excluding from social functions using ignore works very very nicely though. If someone can’t behave in a way that is socially acceptable to others, others don’t have to be around them. They will eventually find themselves talking to an echo chamber because nobody wants to play their forum “games”. Drama is only really ok when it involves cute llamas.


Seeking more privacy is not a crime.

Here we see about 10 people gang who keep derailing every topic they do not agree with , spamming nonsense and trolling every other opinion they do not agree with.

Battle tags will never going to happen because it is mmorpg forums. if players feel like they need to put everyone on ignore just because someone else have different opinion then players should stop using forums and look at the mirror.

on the other hand hide my name would be an excellent option to be protected from people who keep stalking players armories.

I’ve noticed this also, a lot has come to light after paying attention to this thread. I came in without a care either way and I am now firmly against btags. Account wide ignore is fine, btags are not fine.

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