Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

So this going the same way as the last thread or what


And the one before that, and the one before that and the one before that.

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But you can, if you wanted, right? This cannot be proven, one way or the other.

So someone should not feel comfortable to have discussions with like-minded individuals on the forums because of a few bad apples that stir the pot and make it an unpleasant experience? Instead, they should not come to the forums altogether? That’s an excellent take.


I’d say I’m surprised but Im not interested in lying


I’m getting tattooed and I want to read the drama so please continue yall. :t_rex:


Oooh, what are you getting a tattoo off?

I rather the forum drama to stop. It is getting pretty tiresome to be honest.

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I’m getting my grandfathers house :innocent:


Seriously Paw, you’re not helping any situation by spamming that all over the forums. Just ignore Storm, and Bari, and just move on.

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The actual house or just a tattoo of it?

A tattoo of his house, surrounded by flowers. To honor him! It’s an ugly house, truly. But it’ll be a cute tattoo. Too bad it’s on my shin. :face_exhaling:

That link Paw posted doesn’t even work for me so :woman_shrugging:t2:

Apparently Twitter has automated ‘threatened violence’ and they actually removed it, but did nothing to the account. So I added a screenshot of it. Actually so upsetting that they would sit there and threaten something like that.

x removed post. But i agree, these players should be banned from here. They keep causing fights.

And that’s exactly why we need hide my name function here. I am tired too from people trying to stalk my profile to use against me,instead of having a normal discussion about a subject.

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The :coffee:. But I don’t know either of you, and Storm has been respectful to me personally, so I’m gonna stay Switzerland.

I was hoping the drama was about battle tags though. This derailed hard like it did last night!

ARGH. Discord again? What happens on Discord needs to stay in Discord. Whatever you guys want to fight about does not need to come to the forums. The Discord accusations here get wild and are usually not based in reality. I am so glad I am not in any of those.

Discord has nothing to do with the forums and should not.

I am going to go de-algae one side of my garage so I can prime it for painting. That should be horrible and productive. At least it has one positive aspect vs this thread.


Yeah, I said it. I’m not gonna be shy about it. The post was deleted.

At this rate, I’m just placing her on ignore. She has been attacking everyone, over what 2 other posters did the other day.


It is what they do. For years. And when there is nothing actually bad, they seem to spin something bad out of thin air, accuse you of it, then act upset. I just. Hence why I ignored their first char I know of.

Anyway. Bleach. Garage.


Probs best if you’re involved. Reading drama helps tattoo pain. Being involved in drama causes wrinkles. :dracthyr_nod:

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Not like ignore will do much considering how often they change characters


While you go bleach your garage, I’m going to look at heading to bed.

I think there is too much drama
 I’d be a wrinkly lady with all the drama that happens here.

Yeah, I know. But it is all I have at the moment, and might of well just stick to it until there is a system that prevents people from bypassing ignores.

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