Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

I’m pretty sure that pertains to when someone is claiming they are being harassed and has nothing to do with MVPs being able to voice their opinion.

…I mean where has the accusations gotten us aside from threads being closed and the cycle beginning over and over again?

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I don’t understand why you’re still here, then, if you think it’s that pointless. You have admitted multiple times that you don’t care about the issue, that people should ignore the “trolls” yet you’re still here responding to people who actually care about this issue.

That sounds kinda like troll behavior to me.

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Anyways. Guys. Remember. Its unwise to pick a side.


or post history.

I’m all for picking sides, fence sitters are the worst.

Remember the story of the wolf told by the guy just outside orgrimmar.

What I’m trying to say here is that if you want this to stop?

You need to approach these topics with understanding and leave all your dirty laundry in the past.

Bringing it all to the fore over and over keeps us stuck in a grubby past with no one being happy about anything because they think X hasn’t been punished or condemned enough for Y.

We all need to listen to Ard.

He doesnt want people to disagree with him.

He wants us to approach these topics with understanding.

He wants this cycle of redundant conversations to end.

The only way this can be accomplished is by ignoring his trolling, since that is the reason this happens. If we do that, all of his complaints about what is wrong with these threads will stop.

Its a truly altruistic move on his part, which we should applaud. Together, let us unite in this.


The only thing I want people to stop is harassing others while those being harassed can’t do anything about it. Which, fun fact, account wide ignores can solve :slight_smile:

I understand that no one advocating for anonymous posting actually understands what privacy is.

I understand that no one advocating for anonymous posting actually understands that battletags are not private information and can’t be used to stalk people.

I understand that no one advocating for anonymous posting actually understands that they are ALREADY anonymous.

It’s kind of funny how the anonymous side just repeats the same stuff over and over, demanding proof from the opposite side yet claiming that said proof is fake.

I find it funny that people who are advocating for anonymous posting because “people will be nicer” are the same people who call everyone who disagrees with them liars, harassers and stalkers.

It’s funny how those advocating for anonymous posting have been the toxic ones, saying that being told to end your own life is an OPINION and that YOU are the rude one for ignoring them.

All you’re doing is ruining your own argument, so please continue. I don’t want you to stop because all of you are just proving WHY anonymous posting is a terrible idea. So please, do continue :slight_smile:


Again, for those with their fingers in their ears, I’m allowed to pick a side. MVPs are players too. I get that it upsets some people who want nothing more than to push their false narratives and, in some cases, delusional takes, on how b-tags actually work and us silly MVPs are here explaining how things really do work…of course you’d want to try and silence us.

Thankfully, Blizzard again disagrees with those who want to try and make things fit their own definitions. I’ve been encouraged to constructively share my opinions and ideas.

Don’t like it? Feel free to put me on ignore. The good news is that this is the only character I post on (at Blizzzard’s request) so you don’t have to worry about me alt-hopping or making a new character just to ensure that you are forced to see my words.


Wow, this thread was a wild ride.



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well pretty much you trying to silence everyone else who seek more privacy. Not other way around.

If ow2 implemented such future in-game, then it is actually a problem.

The only reason they added it is to prevent STREAM SNIPING. If people weren’t streaming the game, they never would have.

Plus, that’s game only, NOT the forums.


For Streamers - IN GAME. To stop stream sniping. A game and streaming issue, not a forum issue.

I agree we should have Overwatch 2 forum format here though! They recognized a great way to handle forums, migrated to the Discourse software in 2016. They have had Battletags on the OW forums since then and still do. They recognized the best way to handle the FORUMS and we should emulate it here too.

So glad OW has Battletag posting on the forums after recognizing how important that is.

:tada: :tada: :sparkler: :sparkler:BATTLETAGS!! :tada: :tada: :sparkler: :sparkler:

Then you can Ignore one person and they stay ignored. Just like in WoW. They recognized the NEED to be able to ignore a whole account in WoW because people swapped characters to harass others. So we can ignore a whole account!

:sparkler: :sparkler: :sparkler: :sparkler: ACCOUNT WIDE IGNORE!!! :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada:


You realize that you come off as extremely uninformed about everything you post, right? And I chose that word for its kindness compared to what others may say.


They are trolling, is my assumption. They enjoy bait threads that get everyone up in arms. They feed it by pretending to not understand how Battletags work, how the forum software, works, etc. By misrepresenting what actual privacy we have and can expect here.

No amount of explanations help. It just goes in circles. These are not good faith discussions.

Anyway. Morning all!

Coffee, tea, cocoa, snacks!

:coffee: :teapot: :bubble_tea: :cookie: :croissant: :blueberries: :strawberry:

Also have a lovely Friday!


Say it again for the people in the back :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Morning, hope you have a great day. Same to anyone who reads this, even the trolls c:


Oh, is that what the OP is on about?


Ow2 implemented it in-game. We could make that option here on forums too.