Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

You complaining that someone will not discuss something is peak irony.

You absolutely refuse to discuss things. Its your entire personality here in these threads.

Wild theories, accusations, ideas. No discussion.


What do you expect from someone who prefers to troll these threads out?

Objectively, what does focusing on me do for furthering any upgrades to the forums?

They’ve already stated multiple times that they don’t care whether it’s implemented or not. They aren’t here to discuss the issue, they’re just here to troll and cause problems.


I am not focusing on you.

I am responding to you. You stated people arent discussing things. I stated YOU are the people not discussing things.

Objectively. Why are you trolling?

I would absolutely love to have a discussion on what you feel the issue is. But you refuse. We know why you refuse. Because you arent here to have a discussion. But to cause unrest. You arent here to participate.


If your cause was just, you would not feel the need to constantly attempt to condemn me or others.

It speaks volumes of the low levels of sincerity or respect that is being shown for this issue overall, which continuing with will get us. Nowhere.


We’re absolutely allowed to have and discuss our own opinions. We’re players. I’m not paid by Blizz, so they don’t get to tell me what my own opinion should be nor not to have one.

The fact that someone doesn’t think I should be allowed to have an opinion speaks volumes. They don’t want me, or anyone else, to show how badly flawed their fake take on how the systems in place actually work.

They’re generally clueless (though I believe it to be intentional) to how systems like b-tags work and help to better protect us in-game and on the forums. But I don’t tend to expect otherwise from them. They can’t even articulate why they’re against b-tags without coming up with excuses that further show they don’t understand how the systems work.

For the record, I found a recipe for Twix Cookies yesterday and I’m SOOOOOOO tempted to make them!!!


You better share with us if you do! D:


“If your cause was just, you wouldn’t disagree with me”

Look man. Done with your trolling. You never contribute to the conversation.


Oooh, sounds delightful. Now I wanna get the recipe and try and make them

There is a difference between me saying you can’t have an opinion and what you’re saying isn’t wise.

Please do not twist my meaning.

All that just shows you don’t know how the armory works. You CAN’T make that private. Only your forum profile has that option. It doesn’t extend to the armory.

And I’m pretty sure it was originally intended to stop trolls from going to your profile and following you from thread to thread. Though now it’s used BY trolls to try and hide.


Since when can’t MVPs have their own opinions? Would you say the same thing to them if they agreed with you? Doubt it!


I could easily claim the same.

In any case we’d need an impartial arbitrator to have any kind of reasonable discussion at this point.

Thanks for that :purple_heart:

I gotta wait till morning to get some of the ingrediants, but gonna try making it tomorrow. It’ll be a great way to spend a Saturday.


This is not a court of law. People are totally capable of having discussion with the exception of you, by your own admission and by your own choice.


I merely think it unwise to pick a side in this inflammatory issue.

As CS has advised previously, it is more advisable that you do not engage with users that you consider to be trolls or just causing trouble.

That includes MVPs.

So basically everyone who wants to have a conversation with you about this issue is just a troll? Good lord.