Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

Give it time, something could be done, or nothing would be done. But given how toxic the thread has become, it wouldn’t surprise me if action were taken on the thread.

People would abuse to so much. Toxic trolling is already bad. It would be a thousand times worse with it. I mean, if you feel that unsafe, contact your local law enforcement?


no my armory is set PRIVATE. If there is way around to check armory it is not my problem that it is still not fixed.

it is not public if i have option opted to set it private.

It’s private from the forums, not the wow website


Took 5 seconds using google.


You don’t even know how the armory works and you’re trying to push for changes here. I think posting on the forums is just not for you. You can’t seem to be able to handle other people’s opinions about what you say unless you can be anonymous. Maybe just stick to the WoW Reddit or something. Go troll them and leave your shenanigans off of GD.


Hmmm I don’t know

my armory and forum profile is set to be private. Ow2 devs already aknowledged harassment happening from other players so they implemented nice future in game.

Since people are actually stalking players by inspecting their armory and their post history, hide my name future would be amazing here in these forums as well.

Your forum profile is set to private, which mostly hides just your summary such as most active place, most liked, etc.

“This user’s public profile is hidden.”, when it is not set to be private you can actually go check armory from profile picture.

I have to say, I’m so happy to see so many threads that are promoting the need for b-tags on the forums. It’s unfortunate that the OPs of some of these threads and then their “supporters” have almost no clue how the forums work, or even how something as simple as the armory is designed to work.

They attempt, and fail, to apply their own definition to things like “privacy”. Your real life name, address, phone number and email are private.

Your character name, armory and b-tags are designed by Blizzard (the company you support and agree to their terms of use) to be public and that’s what they’re meant for. To be accessed by others, because it’s part of the game and not part of your real-life identity.

B-tags will be a welcome addition to these forums. For those who refuse to understand how they work and intentionally ignore their actual purpose, you’ll likely just stay on people’s ignore lists anyway.

Thanks OP for another great thread on why the forums will be better with b-tags.


Yeah, but we all can go to the World of Warcraft homepage and search Nelfas. The armory can not be fully hidden. Only the forum profile can be hidden.

Go to the wow armory and type your name in. Pops right up.

Regardless of if it’s hidden or not the armory website still brings it up.

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Every single supporter of this “anon” thing and every person against btags…

Seem to have no clue how things work. Either intentionally or unintentionally.

And when its the same handful of people., which are always explained how things work. We all know its intentional. Trolling.


I still don’t think it wise for an MVP to be picking sides on such an inflammatory issue.

Particularly since forum disruption has no measurable metric for any of us to determine a need for something like account wide Btags.

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We are well aware you dont like people disagreeing with you.

Its ok. MVPs can have opinions also.

Using things with no measurable metric is the cornerstone of your entire argument.

You know this. We know this.

The double standards really add a fun layer to your trolling.


You don’t even have to use google.

Just go to the official wow website and search the name. It comes right up. Clearly Blizzard doesn’t deem this to be “private” information.

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No they can’t. They gotta serve the forums with cookies :cookie: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:



lol most aren’t even discussing the option presented here.

Everyone is just flying off the emotional handle, acting like the forums are in flames and Btag or account wide ignores are the only thing that can save it.

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