Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

I’m out of likes but thank you for always posting my gifs. I appreciate you, Caps :people_hugging:

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I have no idea about Overwatch2, but I have to ask:

Was it done in the forums? Or in the game itself?

The game. They’re talking about streamer mode that hides their tag to avoid stream sniping.

In game only. OW2 forums are battletag as identifier.

well steam is just small part of it.

Overwatch Is ‘On Track To Reach 100 Million Players Next Season’

game is thriving, that’s why devs decided to give such a nice future to protect players.

Hm, would you really consider it thriving?

Yeah this is the kind of crap that makes me think you’re not LGBT+ friendly Pawser. You don’t care if somebody shared an LGBT+ charity, infact, you even CHASTISE for them it. Like how Low are you? Honestly?


it’s been an interesting unfolding to night.
one of the few times that i’m actually cracked up :rofl:

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It’s certainly been something.

That isn’t, depending on how you word it. I am referring to the cases of you both defending transphobia, and those that consistently partake in it.

Thank you, I appreciate it.

You sat there and mocked a prior person, going "Lol “it is a bad word, can’t use that!” after being caught calling them “It” with caps. You both did it.

I know it’ll blow your mind, but there’s a big world out there and not every person that reacts to being misgendered or has a visceral reaction to certain posters on the forums is the same person.

I’m both Bi(technically pan) and Trans, always have been. I don’t like people sitting there going “I donated to that” as an excuse or a reason that they totally cannot be against parts of that thing or transphobic, that is what I am trying to say. It’s a deflection.

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Let’s just say I hope we get a vrak smackdown on the CS thread that got posted instead of it just getting deleted.


sounds like a made up story to back up yourself. People who help others do not advertise themselves of their “deeds”.

Because it looks like a made up fact.

At least they didn’t use my name this time. Here I was thinking they couldn’t learn from their mistakes.
I stand corrected! Sort of!

they gonna get what they get :+1:

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And, let’s just say I’m pretty sure this isn’t their 1st rodeo.

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Or second, third…. Fourth…

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we should coontinue talking about this amazing future that ow2 implemented and how it is helping players to feel more safe. We need that one here too for same reasons.

WHERE? Where have i defended it? Quote.

Whos the “Prior Person”?.. OP?

Can you point it out for me? Like link where i’ve done so?..

Not really that big if i keep running into you.

Esp since you’re the only person who brings up that two year old drama that’s honeslty been done and over with.

Paws, come on… you know people will click on the quote and see what i’ve said.

Money speaks more then just words Pawser.

If a person say donates 20k to LGBT+, would you not see that as a good thing on their part?

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also a bit tired of folks dropping my name like there is something to be had there :shushing_face:

…Provided if OW2 does have a future…

Unless it’s living off just sheer willpower.