Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

God, now we have panda on panda violence. When will it stop? When have we gone too far? :sob: Think of the tacos!


The tacos will survive. That is the important part.

The tacos are the only ones who matter.

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Everyone here needs to calm down. Seriously, it is not hard to report and/or ignore.

What’s the point of ignoring people on this forum when they make a new character to seek out and pester you with every week or so? Assuming they aren’t on one of their regular long vacations.

Living proof in action why the forums would benefit from Battletags.

Says the guy who has “no empathy” for “sociopaths” over video game arguments lmao.

More irony.

not something i wanted to post on tonight but at least the twitter folks have the courage to post publicly as a pose to some others

Heaven help me.

Saying this about literal bigotry.

:people_hugging: Some have definitely shown their true colors.

Guys, stop making valid points, I’m out of likes. Wait 3 hours until my likes come back then you can make valid points.

Gosh, you guys are so selfish :roll_eyes:


so this is why people ask for such future implemented in forums because of people like you who keep stalking player profiles and ridicule them for no reason.

I am glad that overwatch2 stepped in and did such future, i hope that one day we will have that one here too.

Which are public. Ain’t stalking if the websites are public.

Yeah this is a double-edged knife.

I understand you wanting to protect yourself from harassment, but it will indeed open the door for the worst of the worst to come and harass people.
If anything, it will make the general picture even worse.

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Using Cap against me?? Wow, that’s just rude, Kent.

Sorry. :face_holding_back_tears:

(Don’t hurt me)

You do know that you do not actually own anything on your account, right?

Blizzard does, and they grant you limited, revocable, non-sub licensable, and non-exclusive license to use it.

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I am the queen of this ring, son.


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but blizzard overwatch did implemented such future. So it is relevant to have one here too.

Doesn’t do much for the score this game has
