Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2


Flag me then.

But we both know you dont support anything you say. That is objectively true. When asked for specifics, you pretend it will break CoC or it makes you uncomfortable.

You never say anything substantial. You just give vague “what-ifs” that arent plausible. While ignoring any questions asked back.

And you are here all the time. Doing this, and being consistent. It shows a level of grit.


Tbh I feel like chocolate milk is more of a sugary drink than milk itself


Cooking is my hobby so it’s funny to think about food in general, I’ve grown so accustomed to knowing the different tastes and textures. Like cheese for example. Dairy free / vegan cheese just isn’t the same. It doesn’t melt the same way, it doesn’t taste the same, sometimes the texture or smell is slightly off

but for milk I’ve tried lots of different kinds. I don’t like almond milk because the store brand one always has this weird aftertaste, and if you steam it for coffee it curdles / doesn’t cook right.

I’ve found that oat milk with a gum based stabilizer is the closest thing to real milk that you can get. It cooks properly, and the taste isn’t artificially sweetened or anything but it pretty much tastes exactly like regular milk.

I find that impressive.

Didn’t we already say no to this before the thread devolved into a giant pile of poo and was lit on fire?

Absolutely not. I will not support any mechanism that makes harassment from forum trolls easier.

Account wide trust levels
Account wide ignores
Account wide likes
Account wide flags
Battletags used on this forum just like all the other Blizzard forums


Except you really couldn’t.

Whoever this is summed it up nicely.

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I mean. It can be.

So I dont taste most things. Very little has any sorta taste for me. Like, I can tell something is there. But if I like 2 or 3 things separate. 99/100 times I will like them mixed up.

From a young age, whatever I was having for dinner I would mix it all up in a bowl.

So I have come to eat mostly by texture. As long as the texture is good. I will eat about anything.

Shrimp, garbanzo bean, cinnamon life cereal on my pizza? Sure.

Dipping my oreos in brown gravy to mess with people? Yep

Edit :

Follow up. This also means many popular things I absolutely detest due to weird textures.

Strawberries, pineapple, coconut.


Except no, they didn’t.

That’s lying, about a lie.

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I’ve saved it regardless for prosperity.

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I saw a meme comparing unpopular food combinations (or at the very least memeable ones). Kinda like the pineapple on pizza debate.

I actually don’t mind that, funny enough. I saw another post about how you’re not supposed to put ketchup on macaroni and cheese. That was another thing I tried some time ago. I didn’t hate it, but I wouldn’t do it again.

Do you mean posterity? :rofl:

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I do that, and on my scrambled eggs.

Esp when its freshly made. The coolness of the ketchup + fresh/warm of the mac and cheese. Fun combo for me.

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Mate, why you want to justify people telling somebody else to end themselves, and blame the victm?..


So is this an another anon request thread but disguised? cool, I will post this from the other thread.

There has been studies online that trolls thrive on anonymity, giving them this option will just benefit them more then the forums as a whole and it will turn into a breeding ground of toxicity, you can say “Mods will deal with it” while that can be true… but, the reality is that having rules and mods in place won’t stop someone who isn’t going to follow the rules in the first place.

No one that is for Battle tags or account wide ignore is wanting someone to be “exiled”, can you please stop with this?

If someone wants to argue with me, as long as it remains civil, I’m fine with disagreements.

But if they can’t have a rational argument like a normal human being and having to resort personal insults and mocking those that I hold dear, they are ignored (and reported), I dont make it known or anything, just ignore and done.

If I try to go to every thread you have been in recently and told everyone in those threads to ignore you, it would be considered Harassment and I would be suspended for doing this.

No, people want battletags and or account wide ignore just to ignore those that they have no desire in talking because the individual in question wants to resort to personal insults because of a disagreement instead of have a rational discussion, can you not please?


Your not allowed to use such things like facts in these threads … It makes the heads of people explode with too much reality.

Ya know who is doing the exiling on those people? The Anti-tagger themselves. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ard can’t even answer this rather simple question without saying this copout answer of “Blizzard will take care of it”… He can’t even be rational to this and say “No i wouldn’t like that” :point_down:

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Yes and they don’t care about evidence. They will either call you a liar, say your evidence is faked/altered or say you photoshopped it.

We’ve been down this road a hundred times. They are trolling.

They refuse to acknowledge proof while also demanding it. They talk you in circles and twist your words. When you ask them questions or raise valid points, they flat out ignore you.

There’s no discussion to be had here.

  1. Ignore user via button.
  2. Skim past annoying users.
  3. Log off the forums.

You have options to not talk to someone. You don’t need tags to do this and no one has been directing insults but you all and once again, spamming reports. These topics are fruitless when you have the forum police on your backs at all times aka, these vigilante posters. You are not forced to engage with people you clearly do not like.


Except we do, especially since OP and their supporters support or justify or downplay the idea of telling somebody to end themselves and quite blatantly too.

People should be aware of these people’s actions and should have the right to ignore those people. It can’t just be “Blizzard will deal with this” because… Blizzard often doesn’t deal with this, esp if their faking positivity.

Oh i’m sorry, do you want somebody Anon tell you to be hurt? Or other terrible things? Because that’s what you get if you support OP’s idea.

That isn’t even the entire iceberg of what being anon here allows.

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The ignore list has a limit.

Plus, when YOU are being harassed, you shouldn’t have to block 30 different alts to stop being harassed.

The harasser only has to press a button to switch characters and continue to harass you. That’s not okay.

When you’re being harassed by someone, you shouldn’t have to jump through hoops just to get away from them or stop their behavior.

The fact that you can’t or refuse to accept this just goes to show that maybe you’re not only okay with harassers having this much power, but maybe you’ve taken advantage of it, too.