Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

Is it… manageable? Like, do they make meds to make it so you can have stuff like that without AS MUCH of a reaction??

I mean, you can just turn around and use the back of the commode as a table.

Thats fair. I dont believe in moderation.

My weakness is spinach artichoke dip. I know 100% it will mess up my stomach every time. Every time. But its my favorite. So I never go more than 2 months without making it.

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Get cheddar and harder cheeses they generally have less lactose.

It’s one of the safer cheeses to give cats due to low lactose It’s why i know that. :slight_smile:


Bro, is that why Poptart comes RUNNING down the stairs every time I even LOOK at the bag of shredded cheddar cheese??

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I could say the same for the ongoing account wide ignores discussion.

What’s hassling me managed to achieve so far, how much closer are changes coming now?


Yep lol most likely


Animals love cheese. Thats how you know they have a soul.


Asking questions and trying to have an open discussion is not hassling. If you don’t want to have a discussion with people, don’t share your opinion, then.

Because whether it’s negative or positive, people will want to discuss it. You being mad that people don’t agree with you is not “hassling” you.

And if you really wanted no one to “hassle” you, you’d just “ignore it” like you tell everyone else to do. Maybe take your own advice before giving it to others, yeah?


Just objectively pointing out the worth of the current arguments in that thread if we’re equating everything I say to nothing.

I am objectively pointing out that

Cheese > this topic


i’ve found ways to manage but if there’s medicine i probably do need it. usually i’m pretty good with cheese. Actual milk, no. but having a slice of cheese here and there, among other things i suppose, have probably caused permanent damage. Dairy is scary yo

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Tacos > Cheese > this topic


I’m like… 75% sure I heard someone say they were on meds for it, so you might consider asking your doctor :thinking: I think more people have started coming out with non-dairy stuff, too in the past few years.

So mine isnt scary. But the one twist I have found that I love is that while I cant even stare at glass of white milk…

I can devour chocolate milk. I have read that cocoa helps diminish the effects of lactose intolerance. Or something.

Maybe I am just sorta on the border of what effects me. But I count myself fortunate.

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This is all any of this is. People on the forums want Battletags just to find ways to harass others. Blizzard knows who’s trolling and will deal with it accordingly. Notice the same dozen posters come to every one of these topics and immediately derailing it but if you go to their main topic they gang up on you and report you. They want to hold players in their hands because the mods aren’t good enough for them. You can’t make this crap up LOL.

If you can’t handle others opinions without thinking they’re the root of all evil then some should probably not be in these forums.


Yeah been trying a lot of vegan options as alternatives but i’m not vegan. I like that there’s more options but it’s almost always more expensive so i end up giving up and buying the cheaper options half the time.

A few years back I got a bottle of strawberry milk because i just didn’t really think about it / care as much but i was fine that day. No idea why but that’s crazy to look back on now. A couple years later I bought one of those starbucks refrigerated drinks and within seconds felt like i swallowed a yoga ball.

No. They want it so people cant evade ignores, wont forum alt hop to troll.

That has nothing to do with why btags are asked for…which are available in all other Blizz forums.

Well to be fair.

Strawberries are gross.

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Thank you.

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I knew you would love people making up stories that support you.

I appreciate your ability to constantly show up, never support anything you say. Never say anything substantial.

Its truly a level of grit to be admired. I just wish you chose to use your powers for good.


lol…If I tried saying that, I’d of been flagged into oblivion.