Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

Yeeeaaahhh, totally… we always get along here :dracthyr_sweat: :dracthyr_sweat:

I think it is time to move on from this dumpster fire. We all know how this thread will turn out, so no need to engage further.



In other news. Can anyone confirm this for me? I need to know for future reference.

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Yeah, i think Ard’s rather heartless silence to a rather legit and serious question, tells me all i need to know… :bird:


I love cheese! Gimme, gimme!

Are you fascinated?

I am. Like, why does some cheese have perfect circles in them? Why is that cheese white but this other one orange? How are there so many different flavors and styles and colors?? Cheese is fascinating (and soo good) :cheese:

Only interested in dancing around it. :wink:

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The same usual suspects are doing their thing, it seems.

I just noticed this, but apparently ignored posts only work properly on mobile because i can still see the posts on desktop which is always a drag.

I see. I see.

takes notes

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Yeah this isn’t a platform suited for open debates.

Hence why every other suggestion for forum changes gets closed by mods.

Forget diamond rings. Propose to be with a cheese ring, thanks.

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A man who truly knows what women want. Men, take notes!

As a person with lactose intolerance, I can confirm that Cheese is delicious.

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Sometimes you just have to pull the table into the bathroom and enjoy the forbidden

Other people seem to manage just fine.

For as much as you choose to participate on the forums, you have a whole lot of nothing to say. It’s a weird way to troll, but I guess it’s pretty effective.


I could have gone my whole life without that mental image… why are you like this, Aki?

OP makes some very good points, i enjoy OP and their posts.

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i’ve risked it one too many times and im at the point where i probably have to go to the doctor at some pointThat’s what I get for my cheese indulgence.