Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

I’m asking what you personally want. Not the rules.

So answer the question with either yes or no. :point_down:

I am not trying to imply they do. It was a continuation of “I wonder”.

Just trying to bridge the gap between how many people state reputation in game should matter, and compare that to the forums.

No, I like reputations. Good or bad, as long as its accurate. I know I have rubbed people the wrong way, but I wouldnt change how I have posted, because that is me. I can grow, and change my reputation. But what I have said or done, should absolutely be linked to who I am.


Ik, i was just being silly with the whole “WE WANT REPS!!” then they do it and they go “NO NOT THAT WAY!!!”

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No but you’re just ignoring that it becomes much easier for users to be targeted across the forums no matter what character they’re on.

No it doesnt. Because ignore exists. And it would exist in a greater way with btags.


Except, that isn’t based on any facts, but pure speculation. But if people start with targeted harassment, you can always, you know, report it and place the person/s on ignore.


Kind of hard when the person you ignore hops characters to continue their BS. I try to give people chances before I ignore them. There’s no point in immediately ignoring someone and not trying to have a rational discussion with someone.

Maybe that is on me. But it’s kind of hard to just move on when people character hop to further their argument. I think I’m having a discussion with someone new so I give them a chance only for them to say the exact same BS as the person I just ignored, in exactly the same pattern with the exact same mistakes.

Am I to just ignore everyone, then?

No. Give us account wide ignores so we can ignore someone and ALL of their alts so they can’t keep coming back.

You like to say “just ignore it” but you can’t just live life ignoring everything you don’t like or agree with. Sometimes, you have to stand up for yourself, for your beliefs.

I believe changing alts to harass people is wrong. I believe people being allowed to do this is wrong. I won’t choose to ignore it, because it is wrong.

That’s like saying, “Oh, I saw someone get stabbed but I’m going to ignore it because I don’t like it and don’t want to be involved.”

Some things can’t be ignored and SHOULD be given attention. Abuse online is one of those things.

Some people can’t ignore it when someone tells them to off themselves. They may be depressed or just overly stressed and they take it to heart. They CAN’T ignore it.

Those are the people I’m fighting for, because I’ve been there. I almost listened to those people and did what they said. I will NEVER simply ignore such behavior knowing that there may be someone out there that takes it to heart and ends their life over a jerk online.

So yes, I have the power to just “ignore” it. But I also have the power to stand up and speak for those who can’t. I will never not use that power.


Its clearly a flaw.

Why make it easier for harassers to harass?

You just created more work for Blizz that nets them little in the way of a net gain.

I totally agree with this guy.

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…So you’re just not going to answer the question i’ve presented like 3 times then? Pretty apathetic Ard, i expected you to agree with no problems given what happened to you.

Have i assumed wrongly of you Ard?

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Great point.

How is it a flaw if it hasn’t even happened yet?

I’ve already said that rules still work around here Bari.

We don’t need to go into details.

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Thats basically kryptonite here for the anti-btag / hide my name people.


That’s not an answer. I’m asking what you personally want.

Not interested in breaking the CoC, thanks.

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TBH you are never interested in participating in this conversation on anything but a superficial level. To throw out vague “what-ifs” and act like they are legitimate. Never explaining how those “what-ifs” would work.

The moment you get pressed for details, you either clam up, or derail.


/peeks in
this still going. hope we all getting along in here!

Then I speculate it to be a flaw, infact a major one.

As you’re just assuming all users on this forum will using it without some form of malicious intent in mind.

How’s saying “No, i wouldn’t want somebody anon to mock my dead people and suffer no repercussions” breaking CoC? How? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If somebody ask me that, you bet your bottom dollar i would say no in a heart beat and would love them to see get trampled. Proverbially by Blizzard. Because that’s no bueno.