Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

But this isn’t to you? :point_down: :thinking:

No, that’s not to or from me.

meant to say “to.”

I’m asking if you find it disgusting that somebody is justifying somebody telling them to die pretty much.

I do world quests with war mode on—
Am I pvping right?

I go and kill quest NPCs of the opposite faction.

I find that disgusting and I also find it disgusting that it was admitted that the reason at least one person wants btags is to harass other posters. It’s not up to posters to hunt down players, shame them, and harass them. It’s Blizzards job to punish offending players.

The forum is not a vigilante justice system.


I think we should all wear our btags on our backs. Like sports jerseys.


And when you can ignore accounts, that will be impossible to do

We complain about sharding, how you cant ever find anyone. See anyone.

Then pretend like we will instantly be in the same shard like this.

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Is that why I’m still waiting for the elwynn forest npcs to spawn??? Bad, fuzz, bad! :newspaper_roll:

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Alright, so now we uncover the problem with Anon posting here. Why support OP on this then if this is the result of it?

It’s important to know that Btags itself doesn’t create harassment. If anything, it makes people responsible for their actions. So if say that person is using Btags to harass other people, then we know their btag and we will put that person on ignore. Everybody will know that person and they won’t alt hop on another char.

…Cept that’s not why we want Btags. If anything, we want them to ignore their account, and not their characters. Because it’s honestly dumb to have to ignore their characters atfer they alt-hop. If this is not allowed ingame, it shouldn’t be allowed in forums at least.

Well first, Blizzard has mods for the forums.
Second, mods do a pretty terrible job of punishing offending players, even if they make it so blatant in what their doing or what their justifying, as i’ve quoted.


All it does is creates more conflict as forum users attempt to police one another.

This is just a disaster waiting to happen given the amount users already try to do so already.

That this poster has returned shows your way doesn’t work.

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Ard, given your recent history in what happened to you (and i do feel legit sorry for you that happened), i don’t think even you want anon posting for some nut going ahead and mocking you for what happened without repercussions.

Sorry to put it dead serious like this, but i think it’s high time you understand that anon posting will just bite you in the butt more then it helps.


Except it isn’t up to me or fellow users to determine how someone should be punished or “exiled” from a public gaming forum.

It is Blizzards platform and it is by their discretion that users like the OP is allowed to keep posting.

No one is trying to exile anyone.

If someone is a jerk or says bad things to us, we deserve the right to permanently ignore their account so we never have to deal with them again.

The abuser should not have the right to just hop from one anonymous character to the next to continue to lie, harass and abuse others. That’s the bottom line.

If someone is ignored for terrible behavior, they should NOT be allowed to click a button and continue to harass someone.


No one is getting punished or exiled from the playerbase.

You know this. I know this.

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But no one is forcing you to keep posting, reading or respond to nasty stuff being said here.

Eventually the onus falls back on your actions or decisions in responding to it.

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Ard. Would you want somebody anon to mock you for losing somebody you held dearly and suffer no repercussions?

I wouldn’t even wish that on my worst enemies.

Just think about that.


I wonder how many of these people saying they dont want btags…

Also show up in threads talking about how they miss the old server communities. because before sharding, your reputation meant something.


Really crazy if that’s the case, like… you want reputation? here’s your reputation you ordered on the forums then. What, you don’t like that? I thought you want rep? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

There are still rules that work on here Bari.

Some posters just take some simple disagreements too personally, which is why all these forum changes are being pushed for so fiercely.

It is up to all of us users here on the forums to report post that could be, or if we all feel, violates the Forum Code of Conduct. It is up to Blizzard to fully determined on whether the post does violate the Forum Code of Conduct. Nobody here is policing. BattleTags doesn’t mean people will have full administrative powers to permanently ban someone from the forums, account wide ignores doesn’t mean you automatically become a moderator.