Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

I have, but I was praised – Not harassed. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

However at the end of the day, yeahnah hiding names or posting anonymous on the forums would lead to chaos – not to mention further increase troll threads. :person_shrugging:


you do know that there are PVP warmode-only world quests right? you have to defeat a certain number of players within the location to finish it and you can get a piece of pvp gear for it.

many pvp’ers engage with this at the beginning of the season.

you’re on an OCE server, so even warmode off in your server cluster would still be extremely empty.

You know, it’s funny. Nearly 20 years of posting on-and-off on this toon and the char who was ultimately changed into this toon, and I’ve never been pestered or stalked by anyone on these forums. Even when I’ve argued with people being hilariously offensive, being idiots, and/or making thinly-veiled “you should commit die” remarks.

It’s almost like making an alt and sending a letter telling me to piss off is too much effort when they can save 5 minutes by telling me to piss off here.


Which there is more content for then PvP.

You do know MMO actual definition means you’ll see people out in the open world, and does not mean you have to do grouped content.


there are rated battlegrounds - there are ranked arenas - there are normal battlegrounds - there are pvp tints of the tier sets - there are elite pvp tints of the tier sets - there are conquest mounts for engaging in a certain number of ranked pvp matches every season - there are gladiator mounts every season.

so there are two mounts for pvp ONLY every single season - you cannot say that for pve…

there is usually only one mount per expansion via raids.

maybe one or two more for dungeons.

Lol… Like, LMFAO.

Yeah, you don’t even play the game at all.

OCE doesn’t have it’s own servers - it is a server cluster. so OCE basically has one server. they do that with very very very low population servers.

i would be willing to bet that there are more people online sitting in Valdrakken on Illidan-US server than there are on all OCE servers combined during prime time.

Lmao, really?


that really doesnt mean anything… that is just based on how many characters are currently created on that server, given that you have 18… i’d say that the actual population size is quite small - or another way to put it - the amount of “unique” players is small or minute.

I don’t do end game content. I level alts via questing and exploring zones. I collect pets and I’m starting to collect mounts and mogs.

Questing is my bread and butter.


so basically just solo play, yes?

PVP in a group is much more like an MMO than solo questing.

That is base on the active amount of people playing on the server. Something which you don’t even know about because you’re just trolling. But hey, good news, I got the perfect solution for you:

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts
  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
  • Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity

I mean, hey, all you’re doing is trolling. Anyways, onto the ignore you also go.


that is not correct. it is based on the amount of characters created on that realm.


You’d lose that bet as it’s now prime time for those servers.

dude, you are really making yourself look bad…


This literally just means multiple people play the game online. It isn’t “massively multiplayer playing together”

Multi-player just means there’s more than 1 person playing. It doesn’t mean they play together.


it is a server cluster - same as

Aegwynn, Bonechewer, Daggerspine, Gurubashi.

All four of those servers have their individual log-in screens same as Barthilas, Frostmourne, etc… but they are all connected.

definition of a server cluster-

A cluster means that characters from any of those realms can interact, be in the same guild, run the same dungeon, raid, share the same auction house, and are effectively the same server, except they don’t have to name-change if there is a naming collision.

About Whitemane Cluster - WoW Classic - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Especially since you can’t send mail cross realm. So, unless they happen to be on your realm, they will have to make a new character just to mail you lol


They need more then just 3 or 4 PvP world quests, esp compared to PvE world quests which are numberous.

Should i mention this was also on PvE servers at some point? Hell, it technically still is with Legion’s PvP(and PvE) areas.

Good for you. WoW’s still a PvE game first and formost. So i’m glad you guys enjoy something niche in this game.

Rated and normal shares the same map often or not. Sure, PvE does this too, but PvP seldom gets new maps. And the last one they got, seething shores, it wasn’t that well recieved.

You’re also forgetting we have dungeons in addition to having 4 difficulties as well Mythic+, or the rep grinding (which is predominantly PvE), Professions even, certain quests as well secret puzzles, and some one off stuff like Torghast, Visions, Islands (while it does have PvP, it can be done PvE in 3 difficulties), Warfront’s, Scenarios…

There’s just disproportionately more content to be had from PvE then PvP. And there’s way too many sources to get mounts, mogs, pets, thats not even beginning to count World drops which that comes from… PvE.

I don’t know why you’re trying to make it look like WoW is a PvP only game when objectively that’s not it’s focus.

Then again, you think OCE is empty so…

troll says:

everyone else: