Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

what happened to those servers


They turned them into regular servers then people just opt into pvp now with warmode.


itā€™s actually not, no.

itā€™s called ā€œwarmodeā€ now and it exists on every server :slight_smile:

I am sure they wouldnt have killed off all pvp servers if they were popular and a main focus of the game.

I hear no one uses war mode.


ok so iā€™m curious, what do you do when you play WoW for PvE?

do you do high end raiding or world first mythic plus clears?

Man. So pvp servers just werent popular so they had to add in an opt in mode that people only use for quicker leveling?

What is the relevance of those two specific things

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Do you? o.O


Alright and? PvE is still the main focus of WoW. Infact, Warmode mightā€™ve de-emphasised PvP somewhat.

None at all lol.

You do know PVE means Player vs Environment, and is not strictly tied to doing the highest content. Leveling via Questing is PVE. Doing any dungeon, regardless of level or difficulty, is PVE. Doing raids regardless of difficulty is PVE. Even running Firelands over and over for a mount is PVE.


Itā€™s what I choose to do in order to protect myself from the less savory sort of people who frequent forums like this, personally. Itā€™s what Iā€™ll continue to do until we have better privacy and protection on WoWā€™s forum - and things like account-wide ignores and Battletags would go far towards providing these things. :sob:

Granted, I think that OP may be part of theā€¦ less than savory camp, personally. Is this an alt of that other person who made the last anonymous posting thread?

edit: oop, how did the conversation turn into PvP discussions?

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actually warmode emphasized that because it literally turned every server into a pvp server instead of having servers that were excluded from pvp.

that is solo content, WoW is not a single player game.

Thank you for confirming you do not even play the game at all.


There is more single player content than pvp content


So, why does it not say ā€œPVPā€ for every server in the server list? Warmode is optional, and as far as Iā€™ve seen, is quite dead too.


There is more Allied Races released in BfA than there is PVP content.


solo farming mounts is a side activity - as an MMORPG - MMO stands for Massively Multi-player - PVP in a group fits the description of an MMORPG better than solo farming a mount or solo questing or doing follower dungeons by yourself.

Dunno. Better then what OP is discussing lol.

With an incentive that you can get just by doing PvE only stuff and getting more PvE items, and you can tog it off by stepping somewhere in an inn or etc?

If thereā€™s like actual pvp objectives to do while in Warmode, that would be one thing, but for the most part, it doesnā€™t do much to encourage pvp.

Not really.

Thatā€™s all provided if you want to turn on Warmode.

ā€¦Except you were never excluded from PvPing. You just have to flag yourself on the normal servers. Infact, thatā€™s pretty much what Warmode is: Glorfied flagging.

And you still have access to PvP areas which flag you upon entry, along with hostile cities that still do, BGā€™s, Arenasā€¦

The only thing that changed with PvP servers is youā€™re just perma-flagged.

Either way, WoW still priorizes PvE as itā€™s focus. You donā€™t get too much news about the PvP side of things.

Anyways. I dont want my name hidden.

I want you to say it.