Hide my name option here on forums like in overwatch2

that’s not the normal for Playstation Fanboys i hope

Well, no, it’s the rarity i’l admit. But their average crazyiness is lighthearted in a sense that it’s still more bizzaro then other console fanboys.


OW2 players are also their own special breed of weird. Everyone thinks the game was intended to be a diversity representation simulator and they have strong opinions about it.

Hands down the most obnoxious fan base I have personally ever come across.

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Bro you are not bragging about twitter with that no engagement I see happening

I don’t make money off of twitter. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If i really want to make money off of twitter, i wouldn’t even be on WoW forums and calling out any nonsense or laughing at it, let alone post anything about it, since i would be too busy shilling something on there like a mobile game or some shaving kit, and try to push fake positivity like i’m sort of walmart greeter. But that’s not where i’m at. And i don’t think Elon Muck would like me anyways.

That is the same quote i’ve used to archieve up on Twitter pretty much. As a pretty juicy reminder to everybody when OP asks for anon posting. :wink:

If people are allowed to post anonymously and/or hide who they are, how am I supposed to ignore and flag their posts based on just their name and my preconceived notions of who they are based on other posts they’ve made without actually engaging with their argument? That would put an end to ad hominem full stop. That sounds horrible. Why would anyone want that?


World of Warcraft is also a PVP game

I know you’re being sarcastic in all with delivering your point in that you shouldn’t pay attention to who is saying it…

But if you wish to get across ideas, there’s certain level of trust with the person you need to build with people in order to convince them it’s a good idea. Say for instance, i make a suggestion of wanting emotes back, and lets say you know that i always /slap people. With the context, you would be rightfully wary of me and in some way, my idea. In a similar way i don’t accept OP’s idea given our previous interaction and what they’ve said. The added thing about this is they always have a different argument on why they want the idea. Some you might not even think of before. It’s not about insults or ad-homs.

I could extend this to politics to demonstrate it’s a great reason why we need this, one candidate’s idea isn’t the same as the other’s same idea… ,but i digress since that will get into a crapshow…

Put simply, if somebody you didn’t trust says an idea, would it be wise to discuss if the idea has validity first without knowing why they want it, or the context surrounding it?

Baps nightelf with newspaper :newspaper_roll:

Don’t open up that can of worms you.


Oh trust me, I WON’T. :laughing:

On twitter thou, i might if wake up one day and decided to choose violence. :crazy_face:

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You can believe this if you wish, but you would be wrong :slight_smile:

WoW is an MMORPG first and foremost. PVP is just an afterthought, a side activity. It has PVP in it, but it is NOT a PVP game.


WoW’s PvP is about as PvP as rock’em sock’em robots. Not really complex nor the main thing in the proverbal toybox.


No. We need Bnet accounts like the rest of the Bnet forums. We need account wide ignore on these forums. I am tired of seeing toxic people.


Lol, if you can’t handle people replying to whatever you decide to post on a public forum perhaps you should rethink posting to begin with and wanting to hide just hints at that you are potentially a troller, sockpuppetter or harasser.

Battletags would be much better since every other Blizzard forum uses them anyway.


PvP has been in the game since the game was created…

there were pvp servers and battlegrounds on release.

ok so how much pvp have you engaged with in WoW… what do you do for PvE in WoW?

Doesn’t make it a PVP game.

You can also collect and battle pets, but it doesn’t make it a pet battle simulator. It’s a side activity. The main point of the game is questing, fighting NPC enemies and leveling up. Also working TOGETHER to get dungeons done.

PVP is a side activity. Just because it exists within the game does not change the game type.


WoW was release Nov 23, 2004

World PvP was there at launch, you got nothing from killing other players. It kind of was an after thought.

The two initial battleground areas, Alterac Valley and Warsong Gulch, went live June 7th, 2005.

Before opening your mouth, you might want to remove your foot…


Enough to know it’s not the focus of the game. And playing more of it or being a higher rank will not change that fact. :man_shrugging:

Despite how fun i find PvP at times, it’s clear that WoW is a PvE game first and formost.

Was. There was PvP servers. But that was changed in BFA to Warmode.

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