Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

Cause for some reason, people love to do the “I see you typing” bit, or sit there talking about how “X person is here now.” spam, and because it irritates the people that don’t know how to work the forum.

I don’t see your profile as hidden, though? Given you’re going down that rabbithole, and you have grey parses one would assume…

i came across one once was privately invited to it was weird as heck the had a certain posters name as the title and called it the (insert name here) hall of fame

i just left the next night was like naa im out

Yeah, pretty sure that’s how it usually goes. I don’t think the average person decides to stalk around through someone’s post history because ‘gee, they’re just such an amazin’ awesome person and I just want to learn everything I can about them because they’re just awesome awesome awesome~!’ :sweat_smile:

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I had discords create hidden channels with invite only roles to talk ill of me so it can’t be reported to discords trust and safety team after their members kept getting in trouble with discord over what they were saying about me, people are wild.

Oh I know I did but what text can never simply convey is the undertone of sarcasm.

You’re seriously talking to me like I don’t know anything at all about Mythic, you really think I don’t know anything regarding new mechanics and extra “layers” of boss abilities in fights?

The typical crap you could tell anybody to know is to not release upon death, wastes time in Mythic but what else do you got other than mechanics, potions/elixirs etc, legendaries, changed boss battles, strategy, the typical stuff that I do and see anyways in non-mythic raids and dungeons? You got nothing. It’s not so out of reach to me like you’re trying to make it out to be just to hold your ground of “You don’t know what you’re talking about hurrdurr it’s super difficult”.

I’ve played OSU rounds harder than what I’ve seen and I have no trouble with the raids I do at all on my main. I’m not unfamiliar with the difficulty of these kinds of mechanics in other MMOs as well, WoW is not the only game that has “Mythic” tier kind of content.

I feel like you’re just trying to grasp at straws now to hold your claim of how “impossibly difficult” it is to me but I’m not buying it. You’re not that high up to me, I play challenge games like Darkest Dungeon and you act like I can’t handle difficulty in a video game or a timer.

I haven’t done Mythic by CHOICE as I’ve stated. WoW is a different game for me than others, I try to be more relax in it. That’s it that’s all. I’m excited to give it a shot in DF on my new Dracthyr main.

According to your achievements, or what you say?

Because stupid arguments are stupid, and good arguments are good, and going into a person’s armory as a means of rebuttal changes nothing about either.

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There’s one poster who follows me aound the forum agreeing with everyone who disagrees with me since they no longer have access to me because I blocked them and having a hidden profile makes it harder for that person to stalk me.

I ran into someone like this earlier, I just stopped acknowledging them and they went away.


yeah but this guy panders to dogwhistles and gets other posters all riled up against me and they seem to have a personal vendetta wanting revenge for some slight.

ppl are out of their minds.


Oh believe me I know.

I was so pissed that Blizzard not only nerf’d leveling in BFA because of ARs, but also thought it was a great idea to nerf looms too.

I made so many friends…


I like to think people who hide their profile do so just to make it that much more annoying to block them, because it seems like most people I’ve had to block have all had their profiles hidden

Usually you can just click someone’s portrait, go to their profile, and just block them from there, but you can’t do that if it’s hidden, instead you have to go into your profile, navigate to your settings, then users, then manually add in their name to the block list

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Because you hide your profile.

And the profile we can see is obviously not a Mythic level raider.

And you say things like “The Timer is the difference between Heroic and Mythic”.

Oh no. So terrible.

And obviously I said I wasn’t. I’m not hiding anything.

Did you just entirely miss my statement clarifying that exact statement as a sarcastic one? Oh no I see, you’re just going to ignore that completely and say “Nope, you meant it.” so you can keep using it against me.

C’est la vie I guess.

“I was only pretending” is not really gonna work in 2022 anymore.

Yeah no kidding, it’s the year of strawman arguments evidently.

Do share your psychic powers.

Like I said in my first post, there’s a reason we call out hidden profiles.

You guys make us waste a lot of time by pretending to know things you don’t.

I like how you use “we” here as a self-imposing term for your ladder sitting out there for anybody to climb and see how far they can go.

You only do it for score, that’s evident enough. I see your ilvl is only 15 to 10 digits higher than my main’s. Like I said, just a step up and bam suddenly you’re too good for me. I’m not here to play a leaderboard game.

I thought the “Oh right” was enough indication to sarcasm but clearly I’ll just have to give more context next time.

im still here, its not stalking when you keep popping up on every thread. its called reading. we all got the same posts to read. moving more goalposts are we?