Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

That is seriously nuts… I mean I don’t always agree with you, and have snarked at you… But that is down right creepy as hell.


IK that. I just want some effort put in from those that really want to go digging. Instead of using a shortcut to do it.

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So many different people constrasting against one another and everyone that ever lived wonders why these general places, not just on this forum but other forums and platforms, always deal with arguments and drama.

Because so many differences clash.

Neither does a door lock keep out someone determined to get inside. Profile hiding is just a deterrent.

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I get that… but there are people who believe it protects them.

Someone once told me there’s an entire Discord dedicated to hating certain people on GD, but it was mostly just about me. I laughed, then facepalmed, then felt sad at their creepy behavior. To let someone be in your head that long…

There’s also one person around here who pops up every once in a while to scream insults at me because of some argument we had on the forums back in Cata. IN CATA.

People seem to think that forum posting is all we are. That there is no personality or person outside of that. So for me, if people want to judge who I am solely off of forums posts… their loss.


or when they claim to have unsubbed because blizzard didn’t add chest sliders but they added body type 1 or 2, and don’t want us all seeing that they still playing the game every day lol. pretty much the two types of hidden profiles you encounter.

Yeah that’s typical high school clique behavior BS. And a curtain of psychological manipulation to try and make you feel bothered, disturbed or even fearful lol. I would just say “pics or it didn’t happen”.


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I have an opinion about that… but it would get me banned. That being said keep being you… I’ll still disagree with you, still snark at you… But I’d also share a beer with you during happy hour.


for me its more the night elf part that makes me… jk jk

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I can bicker with people here and still think they’re cool. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m not trying to. But you’re in for a surprise if you think it’s a “timer” that’s different.

that’s rare now a days.

Im usually a private person, but on these forums I do not see a reason to hide activity. I stand behind what I say with conviction, and its good overall to show the past, mistakes and all.

Well you’re in for a surprise if you think I’m that ignorant to the scaling difficulty of raids. You took the undermining statement too literal, that’s on you, not me.

To me at least, hiding your profile is an admission that you don’t want to be caught talking smack about something you don’t have a clue about. Its kinda like the resume question of: can we call your current / previous work places? If yes, no one will likely follow up on it at all. If no, its a sign that they probably have something to hide as to why they are finding new employment. Same principle on the forums. If you have nothing to hide then why are you doing so? People are free to see i’m a trashcan at this game and thats perfectly fine with me.

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That is just insane, what in the actual hell…


I’m quoting you. You said it’s a “timer”.

I mean you said it. You’re find out it’s much more than some extra health damage or even an extra mechanic. Sometime entire fights change because of how things overlap differently.

But you can search for all of my smack talkin’! :grin:

I wish I knew. :woman_shrugging:

people often like to look at peoples profiles so they can see somethign they think is note worthy to make fun of and then discredit anything your doing by pointing it out.

or so thats how i often see it