Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

You know you deleted your post, everyone who replied to you knows you deleted your posts, and then you want to flipflop on what you say.

Please continue.

Who cares, no reason to as if someone is being a troll I can just mute them I’ve never thought “I wanna know this persons alts” lol.

I would hide my profile if I thought it would trigger people, but as a realist, I understand that nobody cares.

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I’ll wait for the movie

Which is pretty boring. Think of all the fun you can have just opening a reply to someone and then walking off while they sit there forever waiting for you to respond lol.

I don’t respect anything about raiders and I’ll gladly take every shot that I get. Raiding makes the game worse. I don’t join groups. I’m the most casual solo player you will ever see, and I’ve been playing for 18 years.

I’m literally the demographic you’re describing.

Go ahead and look as deeply into my profile as you want. I’m bursting with pride over my accomplishments while simultaneously devaluing any shared achievements, because they are not an indicator of individual dedication, but of one’s ability to obey, socialize, and conform.



You already did that by logging in lol.

This is pretty much the only thing it has ever been used for, going all the way back to the old days. Very rare that anyone is trying to innocently verify that someone has experience which is actually crucial to something they’re saying. 99.99% of the time they’re just looking for anything to use to attempt to fallaciously discredit an argument they have no capacity to deal with head-on. It’s actually wild that the tradition has held on so aggressively for this long.

It’s a very immature and lukewarm IQ impulse to have, and very few people here have the excuse of being a kid anymore to justify them still having it.

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I don’t hide mine, but some do because they’re tired of the garden variety armory gatekeeping.

It’s one thing to try to validate someone’s opinions on the highest echelons of play in the game but sometimes you run into posters who will try to use stuff from your armory to invalidate your opinions on totally unrelated things which is stupid and frustrating.


No one commanded me to log in.

I haven’t socialized with anyone.

In order to conform, I would have to participate in mainstream activities, which I don’t.

I don’t see any logic or point to your post, so I’ll assume you were just being facetious or attempting some sort of avant garde comedy.

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Gaming is about as mainstream as it gets.

I can play solitaire by myself.

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Some folks just don’t like people to know their entire activity log at all times. Which is reasonable.

But hiding your profile is always going to result in people assuming the worst when it comes to rankings / performance / progression / whatever. Which is also reasonable, IMO.

Not with Microsoft spying on you!

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i mean for me if someone that is 2.2k io is trying to argue with me about M+, i’m gonna question it. it’s definitely a factor

I play Solitaire, a lot but through Steam which is against other players :laughing:

Lol. What does that even mean I don’t got a nail in the door on the these lingos, somebody catch this poor soul up? I know about the site but erybody goin about these numbers. What are they?

just a rating. like 2.2k rating i guess in m+.

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Thanks mate so like them keys right? It a good rating, like I look at somebody with that do I know not to mess with em er what?

A wow character is generally not easily associated with my real identity. So i don’t care if someone looks up my achievements etc.

Most hide their profiles to talk smack and not be called out for lying.