Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

If only everyone did this xD
But then we’d have world peace.

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much of the same for me i have been a target of things like the discord hall of fame and years of gossip and harassment even had the death of a loved one useed as a point of atack.


Well, you’re not exactly helping the situation be any better for yourself by having your profile hidden…

It’s not. It’s much like people blocking other people on twitter trying to prevent them from seeing their stuff. It not only shows they are unable to take criticism, but shows that they don’t stand by what they say a lot of the time. I think it speaks alot about their character (even irl) if they hide stuff or just be constantly dodging people’s criticism, incapable of taking criticism without lashing out like some people on the forums sadly, or trying their best to prevent people from finding out their history.

And much like the Forums, people will find out what you’ve done eventually. Yet they will always take an issue if they get ridiculed for it even though they essentially pretty much allowed themselves for that, but don’t want to take responsibility for their actions and just blame everybody else.

Which is why people often view hiding profiles is cowardly.

That and given how hiding a profile works, ignoring people also becomes harder, when that shouldn’t even be a thing, but there you go.

And it’s why i think the forums are better off with out it.

Well that doesn’t sound innocent on your part at all. Blocking people because you seem to think they have nothing but malicious intent, doesn’t come from innocent intentions, or at the very least, foolish and ignorant intentions. Much the excuses of “Oh privacy reasons” and etc.

I don’t, because i realize whatever i do or post on the internet effectively stays forever. So there’s never a point for me to hide my profile. If i’m that afraid of people finding out the things i’ve said, i would never posted to begin with.

It’s a shame you consider researching about a person as something that is robotic, i.e, you think it’s a bad thing to do, because otherwise, why would you describe it as that?

I think those types of comments are just more stupid then creepy really. I mean how one has to achieve such lengths to be at their wit’s end to use such a silly thing like “oh your rage typing” against somebody? Because that only tells me their incapable of knowing that humans can write while their thinking things. The base level of multitasking we often don’t think about.

Somebody did actually did tried that with me a few times some time ago, with them actually stopwatching me,and i can’t help but laugh my butt off. It’s like their just throwing out nothing but the proverbial shoes at me. :laughing:

Sadly for him, he get to walk home barefooted while i sold his shoes on EBay. :stuck_out_tongue:

In all honestly, it’s a pretty good reason to keep it open, because it’s just the silliest thing ever and it’s worthy of laughing at. Those guys just going “OH MAH GAWD! BARI IS TYPING .0000001 SOONER THEN EXPECTED! HE’S RRB-br–r-rb-r-RAGE TYPIIIIIIIIIING!!”…or people saying i’m taking long to type stuff out, ironically being outraged by my capacity to multitask at a basic level or can stop and think about what to say. So their basically angry at me for showcasing basic intelligence.

Though if i have to give them credit, it’s less cringe then somebody misusing the word “stalking” and mistaking it for somebody just responding their comment or looking at their public game data that was published by Blizzard. As well other behaviors that are expected of those sorts that sadly go hand to hand that makes me suspect malicious intent, all the while expecting people to be positive but never or hardly being positive themselves.

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That’s awful.

I would never stoop that low.

I’m sorry to hear that, originally mine was just wanting actual new customizations for Void Elves instead of copy/pastes that Blood Elves already had, then later wanting more specifically pink hair and permanent glowy skintones instead of blonde hair and blue eyes so I totally feel you.


this didnt need an entire forum thread, at all.

To avoid creeps mostly. But I also think it’s better for discussions. Too many threads on this forum end up devolving into weird, pointless arguments about who is better at the game or more worthy of giving their opinion on a topic vs. actually addressing the topic itself. Just look at some of the posts in this thread :dracthyr_lulmao:


tldr; the only people who complain about hidden profiles are the ones who can’t mind their own business

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Most threads don’t.

So sorry that happened to you. It can be tough here sometimes.

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Okay, how is anybody genuinely creeped out by this?.. honestly? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

aww, this post was a bit sad to me. i hope your in game experience is better and you made friends to have fun with! there are nice people out there. :slight_smile:


The answer is: Everyone else is not you.


What in the world? Not swarf?

You must have triggered someone. I don’t blame you if need to hide stuff.

:ocean: :dragon::ocean: :dragon::ocean: :dragon:

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Well you know what? I’l accept that answer as gospel at this point considering this is the GD.

No one knows. LOL

Seems pretty dramatic change of them and sounds like you’re living rent free in crazy people’s heads. I mean, there’s a group on this forum that specifically waits for opportune moments, coordinsted on Discord, to dogpile me. I chalk it up to childish obsessiveness. It’s pretty sad that this is what these people do with their lives.

I’ve got my own issues with you and that’s not something I’ll bring up again. We’ve been down that road. It’s done.

I never understood how or why people do these sorts of things.


You realize it doesn’t stop anyone from finding you… In about three clicks I can find all your posts, or your profile. The hide stuff doesn’t do a thing.

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People don’t like you to hide their profile because it gives them an opening to attack you, no matter what you are talking about. They utilize it to find things to attack you with.

Topic is M+? Clearly you’re a scrub because your rating isn’t good. You don’t even have KSM keep out of the conversation!

Topic is raiding? GET OUT you barely cleared it on normal.

Topic is rare mount farming? Who are you to talk you only have like 3 rare mounts.

and so on.

humans are lovely creatures aren’t they?

All it does is stop the little avatar of you typing. Which is why I have mine hidden.

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