Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

It’s more along the lines of “Too angry to die”.

trolls haters and naysayers

If someone is hidden you cant search them i dont think.

You can.



Oh… i must be doing something wrong then when i go to search.

Oops lol

People misinterpret the little “_____ is replying” icon at the bottom of the screen, the only thing it means is that someone has the “reply” box open and has typed something in it, that’s all :man_shrugging:

…it doesn’t mean a poster is “stalking” someone or has no life/is typing on the forums 24/7

I have soooo many different tabs open at any given time between Youtube/twitch/Amazon/etc that sometimes I’ll start a reply and forget to finish it (tabbed over to something else, queue popped inside game, stepped away from desk for a bit, etc)… so it might “look” like I’m sitting there typing out a reply for 10-15 minutes, when really I’m just temporarily afk/have my attention on something else lol

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You’ve got to get in heated elf drama for forum-chan to notice you.


I don’t do it. And the ones who do it are usually hypocritical. Or paranoid to a degree that I find I could relate to if I had had their experiences, perhaps.

Oh wait, you’re Rhielle? Wow I’ve been away too long lol.


Lol why rocks? What in the world XD


When I started participating here, I had an open heart and the best of intentions. I was naïve and hopeful. Fast forward to the present day… I now have my profile hidden. I have over a dozen people on permanent ignore. I’ve developed sharper edges.

I’ve been ridiculed, made fun of, and insulted and demeaned in various ways. I’ve been the target of more passive/aggressive snark and general unpleasantries than I can remember. I’ve been the subject of scrutiny and gossip on off-site discords by people here determined to judge me in the worst possible light.

Suffice to say, there are people here who are capable of far greater darkness than I am.

Nonetheless, I do still have fun with my posting. I make my little jokes and amuse myself with my own ridiculousness. I occasionally manage to articulate a semi-intelligent musing or observation on something. It’s all something to pass the time.

I also occasionally trade some chitchat with Shreds, which is always fun. Shreds is the only person here to ever interact with me in a fashion that makes me feel like they actually want to interact with me and will authentically engage me. He is at least partially responsible for why I’m still here – because he is. One light can be worth enduring many shadows.

As for specifically why I hid my profile though…? Someone pointed it out to me one day that no one ever browses your post history except for nefarious reasons. I thought about it and agree this is mostly true, so I hid it.


lol /10 char

What makes the “replying…” show up anyways? Having the typing window open? Actually typing something in certain seconds intervals?

I just wanna know how I can ultimately waste someone’s time on purpose just by having them watch the “replying…” animation for as long as possible.

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Honesty is hard to find on the internet. Probably why most assume and don’t ask.
A lot just make up nonsense or give credentials they don’t have to make them seem superior.

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As a long time veteran of those threads, that’s super easy just disagree with someone about something or want something different and all of those that disagree with you will dogpile you, attack you, insult you, etc.

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I (also) ensure I speak on things I have experience with/in.


I think my crime was about ponytails, but I can’t keep track of all the people I’ve made mad at me over pixels :sob:

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They shouldn’t allow it imo. While some people don’t have bad intentions it seems a lot of people use the hidden profile feature to troll by hiding their main and posting on multiple toons. Or make people link their btag to the forums would fix the issue

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I like privacy, but I also like it when people can’t have their way and try to call me out on something by checking my stuff/achievements and whatnot during an argument, it’s silly. :dracthyr_lulmao: