Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

If you want to change the context, perhaps.

I’ve since changed my mind about the downvote system. As long as people on my ignore list can see my posts, I’d rather them just downvote me instead of reporting me. Since punishing is more important than ignoring.

Don’t I just love hearing from you.

I don’t go as far as mythic in raiding, timers never appealed to me but I plan to give it a shot in Dragonflight. And I don’t need to know the finer points of it either to say anything about it, I just watch Tanking videos and they cover normal, heroic and mythic.

That’s enough for me to get the gist, along with my own experiences of any “finer points” in raids and dungeons. I also don’t even remember talking about Halondrus to you? I think I did mention him somewhere, but I don’t remember what it was even about or that you had anything to do with it.

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Also true, but that can also be chalked up to an argument by argument basis.
Personally achievement points alone tell a nice story, even without context, you still have an idea of how much they actually play.

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I can tell you right now, my last raid experience was WoD. I dabble in Retail to unlock Allied Races, character customizations, RP, etc. Couldn’t care less about current Retail. I do have experience with Chromie Time and low level content and can speak on those issues.

Again, if you’re talking about me, how could I possibly have my Slime Cat mount if I never did anything current?


i fear for my wellbeing when the nerds I called names and made fun of show up at my house with hot glue and feathers.

I only did that once cause it was Halloween and we were gonna craft!


Sure helps to not be completely wrong and then argue why your very factually wrong point might be right though.


I bet you’re an all star quarterback too because you watch NFL Monday on TV.

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We both have the Wrath Classic mount, but we did it for different reasons. You wanted it for Retail, and I just so happen to get a mount for something so basic lol

We’re talking about a video game we both sit at a computer desk for right? Where’s your NFL Monday for M+ 2325?

See, this is exactly what I mean.

There’s no point in arguing with you, because you think Mythic raiding is just something you can pick up by watching Youtube videos and never actually pulling a boss.

MDI. You’re not a top 1% M+ player just because you watched it.

To each their own. It’s just easier to tell general game knowledge from achievement points at a glance.
I’ve raided pretty solid since the beginning of cata. Loremastered, 100+ exalted reps, 500 mounts… blah blah blah, but at 28k achievs, you can assume a lot of this… well until I put my foot in my mouth :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally I can’t really speak on rated pvp because I haven’t done much of that in 10+ years lol. Or pet battles… I have better things to do. Like spam the same keystone for the 50th time xD

Are you saying you just go in blind then? Clearly you watch videos to start somewhere, even if just in LFR to begin with.

I never said I was, casuals consider anything past questing and dungeon finder to be “elite”, you’re more like the 0.5% and you’re literally only 1 step up from Heroic. What makes you so out of reach again? Oh right the timer is it? I would value more worth in myself for the high pressure jobs I’ve enjoyed irl.

I feel like I get better and more accurate information by just asking simple questions. It’s funny because nobody asks me, anything. They just make assumptions. Maybe, if they asked, they’ll get the answer they’re looking for.

I wouldn’t lie about not raiding since WoD. Seems like a silly thing to lie about :woman_shrugging:

Yes, Mythic is “1 step up” from Heroic. Of course of course, keen insight, did you pick that up on Random_WoW_Youtuber 200 subscriber’s channel ?

Then reach it.

Yes, the only difference between Mythic and Heroic raiding is “The Timer”.


My point proven. Keep hiding your profile.

You’re not going to beat me down from going into Mythic for DF if that’s what you’re trying to do.

So much for this ‘supportive’ talk of opportunity you preach, saying it’s all so “easy” or things aren’t “difficult” about it in other parts of the forum and now when your “elitism” comes into play as any weapon to challenge someone “Bruh, it’s hard, you couldn’t do it if you tried just keep talkin like you will.”


Oh Dec, I admire your patience.

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this is why i used to be private. but i got tired of all of

these comments


I don’t but some folks do it basically for the same reason you did.