Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

thats not fair, where are my mails like that :frowning:


For me, I don’t click on profiles. But I love checking logs to call out people who are being rude to a new player even though they have full grey parses :slight_smile:


It is, if that’s your “go to” tactic to shut down conversations. There’s better ways to out somebody than stalking their profiles. I’ve done it multiple times without needing to see their achievements and whatnot.


Classic toons for life.


So you just believe everything people say with no credit? Especially when it contradicts the majority?

I don’t.

If you hide your profile and I have reason to believe that what you are writing sounds hypocritical, I’m going to type your name and server in and find you.

If you post stuff that makes you sound like a jerk, players should be able to view you and see that you don’t play the way you are saying they ought to.

I’ve seen enough pure trolling posts from you.


Oh my god, you’re actually not creeped out being a stalker and just openly admitting it further lol.

I think I’m done with you. You don’t even know the context of what’s being talked about apparently either.

[Spoiler: I don’t care what you do.]


Hilariously, I never got angry in game mail on Rhielle. And Thallia only had one unhinged weirdo send her a crap ton of rocks or something. Mailbox was so full it broke. Was hilarious. :rofl:


Pretty much. Not going to deny I’m a LFR, WQ, campaign superstar.

:ocean: :dragon::ocean: :dragon::ocean: :dragon:


That is fine, it’s connected to your name.

If you’re talking about me lets hear it. People will call anything trolling here, which is something I’ve found both amusing and concerning.

Or we want to know if arguing about the finer points of wiping on Mythic Halondrus is worth it with a guy with an ilvl of 131 and that’s only Renown 30.

If you have to hide, you’re probably trolling, especially if what you’re saying is pure bunk.

Understanding why people have hidden profiles is not the same thing as accepting people’s word.

I certainly don’t whether your profile is hidden or not. IK people lie.

Just because it’s “the majority” doesn’t make it right.

I find it creepy that folks want to stalk on some game forums tbh.


I keep waiting for that day at random. I did get someone offering me PvP help in mail based on a post, but I cannot dedicate time to it.

:ocean: :dragon::ocean: :dragon::ocean: :dragon:

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Long live MJ!!

That’s for sure. According to some (not all), I’m just a troll :roll_eyes:

You let them put their own foot in their mouth. It’s much easier to build counter arguments if you just let them talk.

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To be fair I’m looking for memes or positioning my emotes

:ocean: :dragon::ocean: :dragon::ocean: :dragon:

Sometimes that takes endless time as they keep replying with gaslighting.

Sometimes it’s just easier to point out the obvious : the last time they raided anything that was “current” was when they did 10N Lich King post 30% nerf.