Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

Ain’t nobody got time for that.


There’s only one “hide profile” setting. If I could leave the quicklink to my armory and not my posting activity, I would.

I’m putting a minor speedbump (and only minor at that, literally you can Google people’s post history very easily) in on my post history so that I can talk about whatever I want without people easily putting together my entire life. I don’t care what people think of my armory profile, which is also very easy to get to.


Swap out the server in that URL to someone’s server, swap out the name to their name et voila, now you can view anyone who’s on the armory regardless of hidden profiles.

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I only ever hid a single character’s profile and it’s because I wrote some really, really dumb stuff and didn’t want ppl to easily access his profile, lmao. It was looooong ago tho.

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But people don’t even have to do that, they could just make the claim “This is my alt”, etc. And some people who do high level content actually don’t boast and keep their main character away from the forums or just private.

It is annoying, but I’m still able to ignore those that get on my nerves. Which is why I said this, earlier:

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i prefer hidden profiles to alts and classic posters

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Tbh you don’t even have to bother clicking, unless you want more info.
You get a lot at a glance.
Level of character, # of posts, # of achievements, classic/retail.
And this /

I don’t hide anymore because I’m getting older and grouchier and less bothered.

People can be very unhinged, though. Especially those who assume everyone here posts on their main. I don’t log onto this paladin unless someone needs a tank/healer que and once got a mail that read like:

“You play the forums more than you play this game.”


I can tell the experience and “qualifications” of a player merely from how they post. I’ve caught many people in a lie by asking the right questions and watching them fumble around with their words.

EDIT: I really don’t need to stalk their profile to call anybody out.


finding mains when people post on “alts” is spectacularly easy.

and nobody who does high level content even remotely cares about “boasting” about it and especially keeping their character away from the forums (what on earth??)

But you can.

I’ve got nothing to hide, and I’ve got thick skin.

Also, an open book. Browse away.

It’s too much energy wasted lol. I don’t think I’ve inspected anyone’s profile other than to see their gear when I was running dungeons and making my builds.

I play the forum game on my way out, I still have a few days left.

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This hurt me more than it should to read.

Because sometimes I feel like it’s true :dracthyr_cry_animated:

This is why most (not all) of us have our profiles hidden.

I’ve seen too many lazily stalk people’s profiles to “win the argument”. It’s cheap.

EDIT: Hence, the extra work I give those who really want to do that.


That’s why you do what you said, ask the right questions. Knowledge/experience will be proven one way or another.


It isn’t cheap, you have no business discussing a topic you have absolutely no experience with.

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The only time ive seen people be called out for having a hidden profile is when theyre being a jerk to someone and happily going through other peoples profiles themselves.

Imo its fine to hide your profile, just dont hide and then stalk others.

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So you do have experience with stalking people’s profiles?

That’s weird. And cheap.

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