Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

Yeah, I understandably seen her mention it to me before.

Personally I wish I could still be seen typing with a hidden profile because I just want to instill anxiety in people bracing for any comeback I have for their dumb arguments.

Blizzard offers the option and I’m all for extra privacy options even if they aren’t that private, every site that offers extra options I’m using them, even social networks, the wow forum is no different.


As a general rule, when i sign up to something, purchase a device, or install some software, the very first thing i do is go into the settings and make it private/safe because pretty much everything these days is set up in the worst possible way by default. Crap like automatically detecting your other details or social media via your email and then making your activities on said device/game known to other people unless you actively turn it off, it’s things like that nonsense that will always make me paranoid about leaving profiles in their default state.

Making my profile private here had nothing to do with me not wanting others to look at my armory, i just shut everything down by default :blush:


There’s some (not all) posters around here that keep track of who hearts what. Some (not all) really do need another hobby than stalking people.

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I don’t know, I had a reason for it back in the day due to a certain post I replied to but I don’t exactly want to share, but other than that I am a pretty open person idc if ppl know what my main is, what server i play on, my gear, etc.

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Even then, you can just Google someone’s comment history.

I ain’t even care. This is my most progressed character. I’m a casual and I mention that frequently. It’s also extremely easy to look up a character’s progression on the armory even if it’s not directly linked.

Me, I have my profile set to hidden so that there’s a minor roadblock that most people won’t bother to dig in on so that I can talk about things like the profession that I work in, where I live in general, my kids, etc. and also have opinions on things like the long term experience of women in gaming, or Presidential candidates, or vaccinations, or whatever other nonsense someone throws at the forums for a while.

Because people can be nutty, nutty cocoa beans sometimes, but they are also often lazy. If someone’s going to go off the deep end at me, I want them to have to Pepe Silvia it.


Pretty sure most do it so they can’t be ignored.

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I hid my profile for a while because I didn’t like people seeing when I was online. Hidden profiles don’t prevent people from looking at your account in the armory of Check PVP so I don’t think it matters much beyond that.

They can still be ignored. You just have to go to your own settings and do it.


I didn’t know that, interesting. It’s funny too someone yesterday was like “OMG you spent so long typing just for it to be one sentence!” So weird


How does hiding your WoW stats cover your IRL in any way? What do your achievements, PvE/PvP progression, and gear, have anything to do with your work, family, or being a woman?


I can’t believe I have never seen this anywhere. Not saying I don’t believe it but damn. That’s really childish.

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Honestly it’s about the context of the post. People claim to “know” things, then post on a hidden profile, they can’t back up their claims.
Me, I don’t care. You can look through my stuff. Isn’t my Insane title shiny? Not at all hating my life after that grind…

Because I had whispers from ppl on the forums before

Because they can mention them on the forums somewhere in a more closed knit space like the LGBTQ+ thread for example and apparently people are actually creepy stalkers.

I had no idea it was this bad, I instinctively made everything private from the get go and don’t pay much attention to the drama of other- no wait that’s a blatant lie -I don’t pay attention to details like that is what I mean.

They think they’re witty and somehow winning by watching you type. It’s creepy and sad that they sat there and watched. LOL


I am guilty of using this exact line… But only when someone is being super toxic to my friends in-game.
On the forums, who cares? Some people don’t live at their keyboard.

it’s always funny to watch people try to flex their prowess in a form of content or argue from a point of perceived knowledge that could pretty easily be exposed by looking at their profile.

that’s why i assumed everyone puts their profile on private.

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For me you’re either telling the truth or you’re not. I’m not going to play Columbo and snoop through profiles like a stalker.


Because a lot of people speak for others, when they have zero experience in said content.

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