Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

Look, I understand you probably get anxiety every single time I reply back to you as the chain goes on and that for a bold moment you felt confident enough to say something about me and start it only to regret it when you realize I will keep going so you try to quickly end it, I get that.

So out of pity, because I feel bad, why not just agree to disagree and leave it at that?

Until you decide to make a ‘smart’ remark at me again. You never have a lot to say anyways, is it really that worth it?

Lol that you two are still fighting so many hours later, not that I’m being rude saying that but legit I clicked this thread again when I just logged in and I was not disappointed. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Anything for that last little bit of attention huh?


You personally know very well I don’t back down lol.

Anything for that last bit of relevancy?


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This is true, it’s why when I don’t wanna argue with you anymore I just don’t reply.


That’s honestly the only way to end something with me. No cap.

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(I’m in a funny gif mood :grin: )


Now I want to watch more quotes by him lol. I love Mushu.

Makes me want to geek out about Dragons again, I can’t wait for the 15th.

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That’s it I’m… ‘attaining’… Mulan… Can’t believe I don’t have it with the rest of my movies. Gotta new thing to keep watching for the Winter now. Just need more blankets and hot coco.

I have Disney+ so I’m covered. lol

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I love the Starwars spin offs!


I enjoyed Mandalorian. Boba Fett was okay, Sand People lore was great, got better when Mando showed up. LOL The only good part about Obi Wan was the Leia storyline. Andor is a bit slow, but I enjoy it. I would’ve rather had a Chirrut show, honestly.

Same, I just don’t care. I’m very casual these days and there’s no shame in being a casual. Plus this is my 3rd account, I’ve had to restart this game 3 times so this account fairly barren but still don’t care.

At the same time it’s also stupid to care what’s on a persons account. Dismissing someone for not having 500 mounts or being glad is silly. Especially when you have someone like me who has been playing forever and accomplished a lot but it isn’t reflected on my profile because of my situation.

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Back in the day in the old forums you used to have ppl called shadow posters ,basically there would just be a black shadow of a character of who is posting ,you wouldn’t be able to view or armory them at all.

When the new forums, that is the first iteration of this forums came , the shadow posters died as you needed to level up to post here but it did not have a proper ignore feature nor a hide profile system .The entire point of the forum was to encourage discussion .

The current iteration of ignore and hide profile system was just a hap hazard job done by the web team to get it off the checklist.

Sure it looks “simple” when you just watching videos, but depending on your guild level there are other factors beside your own skill.

You might be able to do the mechanic the first 5 times, how about the 20th of the night after 3 hours of wiping? Or can you see what your teammates are doing or communicate effectively to not clog the discord with useless chatter?

There are little things that make a decent raider a great one, doing mechanic right is just step 1.


some of its likely because of profile stalkers.
The rest is likely cuz they hiding something

Yeh, like when my wife hides cookies around the house because she doesn’t want me to eat them all. Then tells me it’s for my health. Foul trickery.

Then I find the cookies and she goes for one later to find an empty box. That’ll show her.

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L o l what a tool