Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

Actually it was quite clear from the start.


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I’m glad we both agree you recognize nobody cares about what you have to say then lol. Good day.

Better get back to your blacksmithing, I am not sure you have another decade to dillydally.

I’m sorry I just told somebody in-game I was gonna get back to embarrassing someone on the forum. I’m sorry it went both ways.

Remember when you said I called you a name? Then you quoted it, to prove a point?

I was embarrassed for you.

No. I remember saying you called someone else a name and quoting it. And then you couldn’t give a comeback to your hypocrisy in telling me to not call people names.

I’ll find it for you.

Start by joining a guild that does Normal raiding, it’s a ton of fun. Next try heroic. If heroic seems easy to you, find a Mythic raiding guild. Very challenging for many people.

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Wow, dude, you have issues.

It takes using the search bar right there. Not difficult.

Who doesn’t?

Yup that is the exact post.

You realize anyone can just type in “name call/ing” in the search bar of this thread and see I only have like 3 posts about it and that’s literally it?

None of them are me saying you called me a name.



  1. characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.

So now you’re saying you indicated someone was mentally ill. It just gets worse doesn’t it?

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Now I know you’re trolling and why you hide.

Really? I’m the one trolling?

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My profile is not hidden. Don’t do anything you don’t want your mom to find out on any forum or social media.

Yes, have a good day.