Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

Hahaha!! You actually think there was a single post other than those two where I mentioned the timer at all? That statement of you stating “I’m quoting you, you said timer” is directly followed only by the single post where I said timer.

Don’t be lazy, you see the search bar, go punch in the word “timer” and look at all my total of posts aside from those I quoted where I say timer is the only difference with Mythic.

That was the first and only one lol.

Here lemme quote this one for you talking to someone else who’s a mythic+ raider

I don’t boast about doing mythic, I don’t ACT like I do mythic or mythic+ content, and here you’ve been wasting YOUR OWN time, not me, making strawman arguments about me doing so and claiming such.

You need to grow up. This isn’t the gossiping schoolyard where you twist words around for your own validation, and yet you’re claiming I’m the one doing this.

I don’t hide my profile, whatever. . .


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I don’t think you know how much you look like such a Chad doing that. Let me put it on the front page in my original post.

There you go. I’m sorry you couldn’t sleep better at night without it :black_heart:. Wow, look at all those Shadowlands Raids/Dungeon achievements.

I think it just comes down to credibility, OP. If you’re talking about raiding, or M+, or PvP but you’re doing 2’s LFR and -1000 rating in pvp it’s just less valuable. People who hide their profile just automatically make me assume they are either trolling, or have low levels of experience but want that not held against them.

There are exceptions, but generally this rule works out. Side bar though- some super high level players do hide who they are on their forum profiles simply to not expose their guild to bad drama or reputation loss. Some guilds even have it stated in their rule to not use your guild character to troll the forums because it can be a bad look.

I particularly don’t understand this, because while I wouldn’t call myself anything like an idiot savant, if the experience is based from a similar foundation with just alterations I don’t feel any difficulty in this and I never have in other games.

I will however call myself a very adaptive individual and going into heroic content never made me see the big deal in change from normal or see the difference in that from LFR even. The mechanics change, so the strategy changes, so some extra steps need to be done and the difficulty goes to 11 and more things need to be dodged. So what?

Nothing I see in the gameplay of it screams “OMFGWTFBQQ” difficulty to me that would make me think I couldn’t do it and I’ve never claimed that I ever have nor acted such. I dealt with the harder difficulty of finding people who actually know the damn mechanics of a boss in raids.

What is a “Chad”?

You might think that having not experienced it. Mythic raiding is much harder. Too difficult for me.

It’s a fair argument, nothing really changes but the numbers from a 10 to a 30; but how you need to react to those mechanics and play as a team to mitigate them does apply. I was just playing devils advocate. I’ve seen people using those reasons before. Down to outright stating if you’re on a level 50 alt or lower, hidden profile, etc, they won’t even bother to consider your opinion or read/reply to you.

Which is why I made the credibility argument. A hidden profile doesn’t promote healthy confidence that the person you’re talking to has the experience to back up whatever claim they are making.

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Well the thing is I’ve never said anything about Mythic or Mythic+ content, I’ve stated I don’t do it and have asked questions of what it’s like to Mythic raiders because I’m finally considering trying it in Dragonflight.

Loose-screw Raimirr here has been spreading gossip, rumors and discontent about me like I’ve ever said anything about it, acted like I even TALK like I know what it’s like or have made any proclamations of having any experience in it.

I’ve very much stated the opposite. But he wants to keep acting like I have done these things so he can hold his given reasons of why I “actually” hide my profile as valid and true.

I love watching your edits in real time.


Oh here I edited “I’m finally gonna try it in Dragonflight” to “I’m finally considering trying it in Dragonflight” because someone isn’t allowed to realistically assess their own feelings about something in the future before anyone calls them out for saying “I thought you said you were gonna try it” but a valid reasoning made me consider otherwise.

Guess we’re not allowed to be realistic here. I think it’s entertaining how you like to try and find something against me.

Your story man, no one cares.

Yet here you are, watching my posts enough to point out edits being done.

I see you don’t care very much, it’s so blatantly clear how much you don’t care enough about my “story” and posts. Enough to not even be here I’m assuming?

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I was trying to read it, but it kept changing.

You’re upset that you couldn’t read my “Story” you don’t care about because “it kept changing”?

I called you out for being a hypocrite last night and you couldn’t give any comeback to defend yourself. Do I need to do it again?

Probably best to disengage. They’re being pretty rude. Save your peace.

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I’m going back to my blacksmithing.

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Yes, I’m so up set.

Your story man, no one cares.

You’re getting it finally.

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