Hidden Profiles on the Forum. Why do you do it?

I wish I had your luck but unfortunately, not everybody shares the same experience.

I understand and agree. It just got derailed into how stalking/harassment/bullying works, as I disagreed with Gorg’s notion that stalking “stops” once you stop. That’s not how this works.

But they restored your thread (according to your link) so it worked out.

And again, hiding your profile can’t stop this sort of behavior. (Not saying you shouldn’t hide it if you want to, just that it won’t stop these kinds of trolls.)


It certainly won’t, petty people will be determined. I should know because I am very cynical and petty myself. But you can slow them down, hinder or make them work for the ammo.

That of course depends on the type of stalking going on.

My sister had an in-game stalker. (I won’t go into detail about what the person did.) Of course the person could never have found her in real life, so she was in no real danger. But she felt compelled to move her character to another realm and change the character’s name.

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Which I sympathize with because she shouldn’t have to feel that way.

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Fun fact, knowing a character name alone makes it really easy to keep tabs on someone in game in a way that’s not possible if the forums were based on battletag instead.

I’m sure websites like raiderio will find a way.

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I don’t so much mind why anyone does it - none of my business.
As long as you do not go posting in the rate that transmog thread. :rofl:


do i need to bring the cats


I usually post my character links :laughing:

I’ve done this. I think I gave screenshots instead though…


Yes, please!

YES! Cats please.


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What I’m talking about here happens entirely in game, no 3rd party required, and is really easy.

Figured it out while trying to gather evidence on a suspected bot.

Now that is civil behaviour.


Lot of people wouldn’t say I am. :dracthyr_a1:

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Screenshots are better because you might have a great mog, but the profile shows that new piece of armor you got and haven’t mogged yet, and it totally clashes. But your screen shot would be of your actual mog.

I look cooler anyways.


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